a cute boy you would see on the metro
"Metro boy is so damn handsome!"
A guy who ladies tell he looks good in tight jeans. Usually forces the guy to continue to wear the very tight and uncomforatble clothing to appeal to the ladies.
Nick: Hey how'd these tight jeans look? I gots to impress Cindy Saturday.
Sean: Wtf? Damn metro-nic...
Dero kids around the age of 12-16 , who hang around Australian bus interchanges , who obsessively wear Nike and Adidas clothing, generally wears bum/fanny packs to look cool and asks fellow people for cigarettes and consistenly says the word "cunt", "sick cunt", and "wanker".
hey let's not go to the interchange today, too many Metro Fucks there, can't deal with em.
Any mushroom in the Gyromitra genera.
False morel, beefsteak, don't eat that
"Uncle Randy said those there Geo metros were false morel beefsteaks were poisonous. That's what my pappy told me"
A term coined to explain commonly regarded feminine or metrosexual tendencies, activities and behavior in a completely straight male.
Synonyms include: Eurosexual, and Macho Metrosexual
1.)A man watching a football game while eating a steak and drinking a beer in a room full of car magazines and girly mags is considered "Macho".
A man doing the same thing, with the exception of considering repainting the living room with warmer earth tones to compliment the new drapes he got on sale at Target...That's "Macho Metro".
(n): A person who enjoys wearing plaid flannels, in colors other than army green, black, red, dark blue. Acceptable colors include, bright pink, bright blue, actually any neon color, or colors often found on a metrosexual. Also, if in question, when wearing said flannels, wearer will defend onself with "Hey its not my fault you are not into fashion."
Dude K.K. is looking like a metro hillbilly right now.
The act of receiving head on the metro link train on the way to or from work, school, or volunteer activities.
Did you hear that Travis got metro head this morning? I bet he takes the train all week.