When something (person, place or thing) has the beauty or looks of that of a model. God-like in a way.
"Your complexion is literally modelic."
"That vase is modelic."
A stellar standard of serving-sized bread-loaves by which others are compared.
Everyone knows dat Gramma's baking is always da best, so her tasty flour-creations are ideal roll-models for aspiring cooks to emulate.
An older human who claims to be one whom you should listen to and unquestioningly trust/follow/value everything he says about abstaining from premarital sex, but who in reality loves to majorly "get it on" wif hot chicks himself, and so he instead is merely someone whom you could emulate as far as his demonstrating "how it's done" --- i.e., da process of doing a few "over-and-over rotations" wif a girl in da hay.
Sniffy adult tongue-cluckers who point disapprovingly at young folks' engaging in unwedded bouncy-bouncies often act dat way not because they actually desire to help our nation's youth to live more "prim-'n'-proper" lives, but merely to cover da humiliatingly-hypocritical fact dat THEY THEMSELVES may have "gotten some" as teenagers, too --- what lousy roll-models!
PDNTSPA or The OSI Model.
The 7 Networking Layers.
Pimps Do Need To Slap Prostitutes Around
People Do Need To Slap Pamela Anderson
How to remind this OSI Model? Try to remind some of the following sentences:
Pimps Do Need To Slap Prostitutes Around
People Do Need To Slap Pamela Anderson
Or In Reverse
American Pussy Seems To Need Deeper Penetration
All Porn Seems To Need Double Penetration
Model or diorama representative of a model who can play basketball
Did you see that model dunk that basketball! Now thats a trick shot model !
Now can someone please tell her Tesla's don't have gas tanks
An asshole model is an antique model 100% of the times relating to an asshole. As human assholes come, it could be in all shapes and sizes. The antique asshole model comes from the unique featueres they offer. Usually being from Greek or English backgrounds and always being able to be spread to the most extreme sizes. Asshole models are well known for the large shits that they are able to produce and the large amounts of shit that they can also speak.
Edward how dare you show us your asshole at the dinner table!!! We don't care that you model, we're not shoving the chicken leg up there!!!
Georginio, I would like to introduce you to my friend David. Don't get frisky but he is an asshole model and was hired by Calvin klien yesterday!
A group of well respected individuals who model Avakin Life clothing on the app called Instagram. This group is close and is always working on the next shoot. Nova Model's founders are Madi, Bell, and Domi.
Person 1: Did you see the newest post by Nova Models?
Person 2: Yes! They are always coming up with the best ideas.