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A nigger is a racist term for a black person or one with dark skin, from "chunderbak" which is arabic for "black devil." Chunderbak with a souther US accent sounds like nigger.

niggers are a race of blacks
blacks are a race of niggers
non racist
NOTE: niggers are not dragons

by dinnington till i die! May 11, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


a trashy loud annoying ass black person. who thinks they can talk to anyone how they want. and make racist comments about them and not expect any back.

That fuckin NIGGER needs to shut her fuckin mouth.

by fuckkkyouuusluttt September 8, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term originally coined by caucasians during the 18th century slave trade that was subsequently stolen by african americans for their own privatized uses, precluding caucasian use of the term legally, socially, and by impersonal lethal force in modern westernized culture.

A derogative racial term that is largely directed towards people of color that characterizes an individual(s) as lazy, ignorant, intellectually deficient, stupid, incorrigible, non-rehabilitative, lacking moral virtue, black labrador retriever, primitive, cognitive retardant, criminally inclined, lawless in spirit, prison occupant, drug dealer, hustler, pimp, domestic danger, counter cultural commodity;.... persons possessing; large rims, loose fitting attire, food stamps, jewelry, illicit substances, firearms, or other illegal contraband deemed unsuitable for the common good of civil society.

A term used by persons of color identifying other persons as comrade, companion, friend, foe, enemy, relative, leader, employer, colleague, pastor, celebrity, or role model.

Old Betsy just had puppies, all niggers.

Nig, Nignog, Niglet, Nigga, Niggas, Negrodamus, Nigger, Niggers.

by whatitdoboi February 6, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Breayna Kay

she's such a Nigger.

by Kassianova. November 1, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person of any ethnicity, not strictly associated with 'African-American' persons as common opinion insists, who partakes in idiotic, wannabe 'gangster' activities. EG: smoking; speaking in ebonics; riding BMX bikes that are either entirely too small or stolen; wearing close far too large; having extremely expensive jewley, vehicles, and clothing while they steal, rob or deal drugs to support these material goods, although they fail to succeed in school, jobs, or life in general. Also clame to live in the ghetto, or are in the current state of being 'ghetto'.

A word often abused by black people in day-to-day conversations although they supposedly find it the uttermost offensive word.

People sitting around the local ghetto liqour store smoking and drinking, not to mention making derogatory comments to passerbys.

Nigger: Hey cracka' why you gotta look at me like that? Cuz' I'm a nigga? HUH?
Passerby: No sir, it's because you're a peice of shit that is of no value to society or the human race for that matter.

by Saevio August 8, 2006

1923๐Ÿ‘ 3946๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that will gaurentee would get your ass kick

An epic saying that will get you rich if you say in an alley way

by Not a rapiest September 22, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A commonly made typo when looking up a country or river in Africa.

"Oh shit, I typed nigger, not Niger! I am gonna get jumped!"

by Garlic_ December 11, 2020

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