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When something is very... e p i c

Man 1: I mixed up my hamsters ashes for sugar, the tea was tasty though

Man 2: bro that's so Pog

by Kirran_lewis November 29, 2020


word made up by youtuber PWR Lachlan (Means Play Of Game)

ahhhhh that was the POG!!!

by fOrTnItE bOy November 4, 2021


pog means in british slangcool” or “epic”.

man you’re outfit it so pog!”

by bunxiesi January 3, 2021


fucking a bitch so hard she bleeds

i don’t want to pog tonight

by jacksoncruz445 January 4, 2021


,,Play of the game''
When someone do something cool like trickshot

Streamer: hit's a trickshot
Chat: PoG

by Lucid_King September 19, 2020


that one word that your friend used way too much that they probably picked up from those british block men or those americans that are also block men. yeah you know the word.

Friend: POG
You: bruh what

by not_zodiaq December 9, 2020


A word used to appreciate subscribers of a you tube channel or a cool rad person

Only poggers will understand this

Hey poggers

by Hdhdjeowowowi April 20, 2021