Pasta blaster, also Pasta-blaster
Any high performance Italian motorcycle.
Similar to "rice rocket" term for a Japanese bike.
Luigi loves his new pasta blaster.
A new name invented by a dumb person that actually just means ravioli.
"Dude, I LOVE Pasta Packets of Cheese!"
When someone spreads the anus of another person, whilst shitting through a strainer into the other persons agape anus.
"Did you see Rob give Aaron a Pasta Cup last week? That was fucked up"
A specific kind of fishy pasta that is poorly cooked🤮🤮🤮🤮
Ewww this is such an Alessio de pasta moment bruh😒🫱🫱
A man (maybe) from Chicagoland who’s out of their element, and just saying dumb things. Also smells bad. Quinoa must be eaten for a *pasta fish* to reset
“Man, Guthrie can’t cope and seethe, he must really hate the way the world’s engineered him to respond to things rationally despite what mass communication has taught him on human nature! Also, Pasta Fish
A man (maybe) from Chicagoland who’s out of their element, and just saying dumb things. Also smells bad. Quinoa must be eaten for a *pasta fish* to reset
“Man, Guthrie can’t cope and seethe, he must really hate the way the world’s engineered him to respond to things rationally despite what mass communication has taught him on human nature! Also, Pasta Fish
The Pasta Machine is a synonym for ass, you can produce shit with yo ass, so u can produce pasta withe the Pasta Machine, since both are produced in the ass/Pasta Machine its equals the same so it is like Shit is the same as Pasta. It also can be used as a compliment.
see in the example
1) Joe: Dude, i ate PASTA the whole night.
Robert: WTF, this is gross dude.
2) You: Nice Pasta Machine.
Girl: ehhhm, thanks i guess.
(She dont know what u mean, except if has read this )