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pee pee

a mans pee pee thats is also a tiktok sound it's very interesting you can owe and also breed with it to create more pee pees females love pee pees we need more pee pees in the world


girl 1: oh man patrisha i would die for his pee pee
girl 2: yeah me too, so does every other girl even jacob

by kolb January 12, 2020

pee pee

Definition 1: a word usually used to define small penis/ used by children.
Definition 2: another form of saying urination/ used by children.

Definition 1: thats a very small pee pee
Definition 2: im going to the bathroom i have to go pee pee

by bigp33pee69(; January 1, 2022

Pee pee

A little boy’s way of saying penis

I stuck my pee pee in ur mom

by Thecyborge June 6, 2018

pee pee

a liquid called we

that baby did a pee pee

by Hey, Hi, Hello May 12, 2021

Pee pee

1. Something that sticks out of a mans pants
2. Urine

I licked he’s pee pee

by Hint names January 12, 2020

pee pee

the male penis

pee pee in my bum hole

by RGBizz Fake August 27, 2019

Shit pee pee ass

When I do anal on your mom and she ass queefs on the family dog

Hey, baby wanna Shit pee pee ass tonight

by Wee haha pooo peew April 19, 2022