some one who is extremely skilled at either skiing or snowboarding on open mountains and fresh powder.
guy 1:Man that dude really can ski
guy 2: yeah, he goes Heli-Skiing all the time
guy 1:that guy is a real powder pilot always carving new lines in fresh snow
To be supremely dominated by a member of the opposite sex. It is related to the term pussywhipped, or pussy whipped. However to be piloted is to be further subjugated than to be pussy whipped. It is when someone is completely at the behest of another person, (or persons). They lose completed control of their inhibitions and comply to every whim of the person who is piloting.
Atish was totally piloted by his ex-wife. This has left lasting and permanent damage to his behaviour, making him a little bitch.বেহায়া
The act of directing another persons piss.
Commonly by aiming their penis.
"I was so drunk last night I needed my GF to piss pilot for me"
a sexual act that involves using a match or lighter to ignite a fart as the farter is hovering over the other's genitalia.
"She was looking to spice up our sex, so I brought a book of matches to bed and she gave me a German pilot light."
1👍 1👎
An unreliable plane flyer who has a 50% chance or more of going up down kaboom. They always pray to Allah and carry a large black bag with them.
Speaker 1: ay bro, i heard that our flight has an arab pilot on it, i dont want 9/11 v2
Speaker 2: shit bruh, im dippin', im not tryna die today
Someone who makes a lot of money for very little work.
Michael makes a lot of money, but works like one day a week. He's just a lazy pilot.
You shouldn't have gone looking for this.
Taylor shouldnt have looked for the pilot g-2 pens.