When someone's incessant whining gives you a rash.
Stop bitching your giving me a pat rash!
A rash, or similar skin disorder which occurs due to the stress of being bullied by your co-workers.
Veronica's skin complaint was due to her boss constantly undermining her work, talking over her when she is giving presentations, and burning her on the sly with lit cigarettes whilst calling her worthless. It is definitely a Bully Rash.
A good indicator that can tell you if you are allergic to hashish. Shortly after smoking some, you notice a giant rash on your gooch.
"yesterday, LaTaqwanisha sold Jose some hash and after smoking it he went to take a piss and noticed that he had a purple Hash Rash."
A syndrome that occurs when you sniff too much cocaine
Usually treated with consuption of bleach
Son You are arrested for testing positive for Rash Nose Syndrome
Tattoos that are less than ten years old, particularly those in the "Sailor Jerry" style.
A person with several tattoos on their arms, legs or torso who may wear black rimmed glasses and a beanie could be said to have bad hipster rash. People riding fixies and those working in cafes are in the high risk category for hipster rash.
When a oilfield worker goes out of town for work and hooks up with a women and gets an std “rash”
Hey the crew is going out of town next weeks let’s see if anyone comes home with an oilfield rash.
Gash rash is a colloquial term for skin injury to the pubic region caused by abrasion with another person's pubic or facial region, often as a consequence of depilation to said regions hair. Though usually gone unnoticed while attaining gash rash, many find the aftermath to be unpleasant, and even defined by some as excruciating when bodily liquids are introduced to the affected area. It can be avoided by either refraining from shaving, or by epilating (removing hair from its root below the skin) the region instead. One can try to hide their gash rash from being known to others by simply getting dressed, but the awkward stride and stiffled gasps are a tell tale sign of the affected.
The majority of times gash rash only leaves minor abrasions to the skin, that usually disappear within a day or two. Some severe cases of gash rash have been known to take up to 3 weeks to heal, needing a daily regimen of cleaning, drying, and venting of the area until gone.
Michelle: "I don't know if I can go to the Stone Pony tomorrow to see the Yonder Mountain String Band, I can barely walk!"
Liz: "I told you never to shave the night before a date with a man that rocks facial stubble- that combination is a gash rash certainty"