Translated from the dinosaur language it means “I’m going to become a spider eat the guy who got my pregnant and get eaten by my children, sound good?”
Female dinosaur: rawr
Male: *gone*
Other males: where did space put that asteroid-
Children: nom.
what I say when I see Gru from Despicable Me.
Gru: there are a lot of other villans in the world, but I will be a super villan.
Me: ooooh Rawr
rawr, often to said to show sexual attraction;"I love you" in dinosaur.
person 1: hey, how do I say "I love you" without saying "I love you"?
person 2: rawr. I love you-In dinosaur
Rawr is the best word in the Rawr dictionary
Person #1: hey man
Rawr: Rawr
Person #2: what?
Rawr: RAWR!
Person #1: okay, okay, Rawr.