Source Code

Michael Savage

"Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig, how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage, you got nothing better to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite on....no more calls? I don't care about these bums, they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages." -Michael Savage, July 7, 2003

"I'm beginning to think that women should be denied the vote. Their hormones rage; they are too emotional." -Michael Savage, November 6, 1998

"We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy." -Michael Savage, February 6, 2003

"The greatest right-wing radio talkshow host ever."- Total dumbass, March 24, 2005

Official Michael Savage madlib:
(Insert name of minority, liberal leader, or freethinker here) is a total (insert childish insult like "Red Diaper Doper Baby" here) who hates America. All he cares about are (insert name of minority, "fags", "Hollywood scum propaganda", etc. here).

by Tyr WH April 4, 2007

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Backwood Savage

People from the north who live like trailer trash of the south,they have poor living conditions and are not very smart

Look at that old shitty truck... Some backwood savage must drive it

by Gregroy April 22, 2009

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Savage cabbage

Savage cabbage is the loudest bud man has ever smoked. Originating from the most notorious groppers of Hertfordshire. It is a form of genetically engineered super skunk that leaves its users in a incapacitated state after one boof

β€œJuss copped an 8th of savage cabbage”
β€œFuck is savage cabbage?”
*takes one boof*

Ollie: β€œgeorge just niced me a z of savage cabbage”


by mandem_1 July 14, 2020

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edgy savage

The Man, The Meme, The Legend, Edgy Savage is the worst of the worst. Horrible memes and maximum edge, he's knows as a legendary connoisseur of autism

Girl1: "Have you met edgy savage? He's so cool!!"
Girl2: "Really??"
Girl3: "You kidding? He's a faggot!"
Girl2: "Yeah, that's what I was thinking, Girl1 is a fucking liar!!"

by Harry30 December 21, 2016

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Cabbage Savage

Slang term for a lesbian

Shes such a cabbage savage lettuce licker

by The Metric Pun May 17, 2016

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Dan Savage

a horribly witty and intelligent sex-advice columnist, author, pundit, journalist, and newspaper editor from Washington. not bad looking either.

pretty much the most awesome person ever, with the best job. a gay god, if you will.

Dan Savage can do no wrong. alternately;
I want to be Dan Savage.

by Michael Jennings August 31, 2006

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Angry Savage

When you girlfriend has just wanked you off and leaves you there covered with your own fluid and keeps the tissues away from you. Unable to get up because it will drip further down you, you are stuck.

Person 1: Damn Mark is mad at Kayleigh!
Person 2: Can you blame him? She gave him the angry savage last night.

by Lord MPK May 2, 2007

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