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scene kid

The emo kids, that haven't come to the realization yet that they're emo.

"Hey, you're so emo", "No I'm not, I'm a scene kid", "Whatever, same thing."

by lcousins April 26, 2010

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Scene kid

A scene kid is someone who basically looks like your stereotypical emo with tight jeans, black hair, etc... even though this is not neccisarily the TRUE description of emo.

Scene kids usually reckon theyre pretty hardcore and 'don't get into fights' they just throw a few punches and think theyre freaking awesome / badass.

Also, they do their hair themselves (cutting and dying), have loads of xxx's in their myspace names (which is checked every 20 mins and its upsetting if no one has commented since the last time they checked), many scene kids permanently draw some kind of black tatoo on their hand constantly in sharpie marker (redraw every tweny mins), and are usually / stereotypically hated by real hardcore kids and goths, grebos, and possibly emo.

the differences between emo and scene are that scene kids generally think a bit too much of themselves, their eleventy-million photos and their colourful streaked hair... and emo think a bit too little of themselves, their lives and such.

many scene kids are also 'obsessed' with something that rules their lives like dinosaurs, cigarettes, sharpie markers, and pretty little girl bows in their hair (even the guys) :)

''hey dude look at that scene kids hair!''
''cool... she lookes like an emo to me...''
''no way man, does she LOOK depressed?''
''spose not, she'll probably beat me up lol''

by Kaylei Jayne August 11, 2009

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Prep scene kid

Some really annoying preppy kids who think that the scene culture is cool, so they try and create their own style. A typical outfit for them would be: PacSun v-neck, Hollister short-shorts, stereotypical scene hair, even though real scene kids don't have that hairstyle, something Hello Kitty, something Twilight, and some colorful flats or Converse.
Some examples are the sitemodel Elsie Enchanted and Taylor Parks.

Prep scene kid: Hii! Ehmyygawdd! Did you get that fabulous top at Hot Topic? It's UBER cuteeee! I lovelovelove Hot Topic! Their clothes go fantastically with my torn up booty shorts from Abercrombie!

Real scene kid: Stop being a poser. No scene kids actually talk like that. And I got this tee at a thrift shop.

Prep scene kid: Eeeeeeeeeeew! Thrift shops?! You mean someone wore the clothes before?! GROSS! I only wear clothes that was never used, but looks like it is!

by Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep July 19, 2009

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Scene Kid

Scene kids
Most of them are attention whores, mostly the girls. All Scene Queens post nudes, so this is a pretty bad reputation for scene style among parents and people that actually are intelligent. They normally dress in black and then in some sort of neon color, like green or pink. They ave an obsession for Dinosaurs, Unicorns and Invader Zim, and tend to think they are the shit, and tell you to not hate because it doesn't phase them, although it clearly does.
Their vocab consists of over excessive use of "fag" "bitch" "cunt" and "fuck", and over use one letter in a word, like "Suuuuupppz" or "Kewwwwlllll". If you wanna be scene kid, replace most "s"s with z's instead.
Also, make sure you're ribs protrude through your skin and your flesh hugs your bones. So, get a weight range of about 70 - 110 pounds. Or you're going to be a total fatass.
Scenes also tend to think they'll get alot of pussy or dick with the help of Jeffree Star and Dahvie Vanity.

A very well known scene kid is Jessi Slaughter, who is in fact, very well liked by Emos and Scenes alike. Why? I have no clue. She did insult emo king, Dahvie Vanity.

Random person: "Hey"
Scene kid: "ooommgggz go away you fckin faggg"
Random person: "Wtf, stop acting like a douche"
Scene kid: "dont hate cus i more better den u, bitch"

Scene girl 1: "omgzz did you liek, see invader zim? gir was so crunk nd awzome"
Scene girl 2: "yah ikr, hez liek my idol."
Scene girl 1: "RAWR!"
Scene girl 2: "RRAAWRRZ"

by Unipegacornodon September 4, 2011

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Scene / Scene kid

Sure, some scene girls backcomb their hair and wear bows and extensions and skinnies and dye their hair random colours, but its become the fashion for nowadays, just because you look like that doesn't mean you're scene, it means you're FASHIONABLE. And not all scene kids are obsessed with myspace and social networking sites, most of them DO have a life.

And scene guys mostly don't have hair covering their face or loads of piercings or wear girl's jeans. I actually struggle to find a scene guy wearing girls jeans.

Not all go to 593729402729 gigs a week either, or aspire to become photographers, journalists, hairdressers etc; most of my friends are scene and hardly any of them fit this definition. And no that doesn't make them posers cuz believe me I know what the hell a poser is and they're NOT.

So now I've cleared that all up it should be easier to understand what scene is for you all now :)

"Scene is not what the world thinks it's about. Scene is about NOT following "the scene"."
Scene / Scene kid

by aimeeaye April 21, 2008

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hardcore scene kid

very confused with sexuality, likes screamo alot, looks extremely gay but other scene chicks dig it apparently. has no interest in any good music. is obsessed with the letter x. always claims edge and then breaks it. pretends to like hardcore sometimes so they can dance like dumbasses. sometimes some of them will claim to like death metal but u should never believe them becuz the death metal bands they like are deathcore and r scene as well. scene kids also will tell you their not scene and that they are just being themselves but that makes them more scene.

hardcore scene kid= a very high level of gayness, blessthefall, underoath, deathcore,

by matias13 January 30, 2008

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hood scene kid

A hood scene kid is a person who dresses scene. But, they are tough and can fight. Also, they have a tendency to talk in ghetto slang. Such as, 'yo, can i get a bogey?' They also have a tendency to get in trouble a lot.

boy 1: have you heard of nik hecktik?
boy 2: yeah, he's a scene kid.
boy 1: nah, he's a hood scene kid.

by shannon shakedown March 30, 2008

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