it means who ever said it is scared to fight
“i’m a shooter”
“what does that mean?”
“it means he’s scared to fight”
“oOoOoOo catch these hands bitch”
This challenge involves the ejaculation of semen into the empty milk container 2 times a day for a month. Store the sperm milk container in the refrigerator. On the last day of the month, we swallow everything.
Mike: My stomach hurts
Nick: What happened?
Mike: I did Sperm Shooter September
Nick: You are so dump
An alternative term for the conservative commentator Matt Walsh.
Girl: Have you seen that guy?
Boy: Yeah. He’s a sassy shooter.
Ben Shapiro: How should we combat the Radical Left?
Matt Walsh: I ain’t a gangsta, I’m a sassy shoota.
The Ricoh shooter.
They don't see themselves as mere photographers. They see their camera as a weapon.
People are casually walking along the street, minding their own business.
Normal people refer to this as "life", but to the Ricoh shooter, this is prey.
The Ricoh shooter runs up to the prey with their flash engaged, walking straight into their face with a 28mm camera.
The Ricoh shooter has successfully documented--no, according to them, "captured the essence".
The Ricoh shooter sees themselves as a warrior.
An ambassador, sent down from heaven to capture the essence of life, and share it amongst the world.
What the fuck, some weird Ricoh shooter ran up to me while walking home from work with flash.
God, they're a creep.
The opposite of a 1st person shooter. To play a 1PS, you have to have good aim and skill that is unbeatable, however a 3PS is someone who’s absolutely dog shit and can’t match their competitors unless it was a challenge of being dog shit.
Someone: Hey, did you hear Drake’s song? 1st person shooter, I mean.
Someone based: Yeah, but that nigga is a 3rd person shooter. He sucks!
The Turkish shooter
Whilst standing, keep one hand in your pocket and use the other hand to aim your dick at your partner through your flies as you bring yourself to completion. Ear and eye protection is preferred but non essential.
"Have you shagged that bird yet? Nah but I gave her a Turkish shooter in the alley behind the co op"
that little nug of poop that flies out when you cough/fart
I coughed so hard I ended up with a crotch shooter crotch shot