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rising sign

When your wife asks you to have a threesome; verb; let's smoosh plus one; verb

Honey, are you down for a rising sign?

by 1629493 June 26, 2017

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wet floor sign

A sign needed when a girl creams her panties about a really hot person.
Used to warn others of a slick floor due to the vast amount of bodily fluids excreted from said woman.

Hot guy walks by
Girl: (raves about guys hotness and awesome he is)
Friend: Damn girl, I need to get you a wet floor sign

by TMoney_333 September 3, 2015

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Gang sign Goose


Guy: Yo! Watch out, thatโ€™s gang sign good right there!
Gang sign goose: *GANG SIGN GOOSE NOISES*

by Count cheesula November 16, 2020

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Peace sign with tongue

Making a peace sign while sticking your tongue out is a sign that the generation is changing and that love is all around us! Spread the peace!

Lets show the love and send a peace sign! peace sign with tongue

by MonkeyKira November 22, 2011

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Sign my tits

Often used to describe something that is lush wonderful amazing etc

Afk was eating chocolate he comes across one that he particularly likes dude sign my tits

by Ginger it July 23, 2013

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ancient albanian sign language

the world's most beautiful and romantic language, it makes you 10 times attractive to every woman and man on the planet.

-why is everyone attracted to you?
-because i speak ancient albanian sign language fluently

by i have no handle July 13, 2022

74๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

World Peace Sign Day

1. Often referred to as 4/30 or 430ยฎ, it is an opportunity for people on April 30th worldwide to unite in the struggle against Hate, Hate Crimes, Bullying, Inner City Violence, Violence against the planet & Violence worldwide.

2. An annual event (created by World Peace Sign Brand & founder Leo J) held on 4/30 to recognize and celebrate freedom & peace worldwide with music, a 4.3k Walk 4 World Peace and the releasing of the World Peace Sign balloons to let go of negativity, frustration, fear and usher in the spirit of love & unity.

Affiliated with the World Peace Signยฎ and World Peace Sign Brand

There were 10,000 balloons released at the World Peace Sign Day festival.

by Leo-J October 25, 2015