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Social Face

The Social Face is directly proportional with ones abilities to have successful social interactions. The Social Face manifests itself in the smile, but other manifestations do occur (they're harder to pin point). One can approximately gauge the amount of friends another has by their quality of Social Face. The Social Face is suggestive of one's "coolness" and is highly representative of one's amount of sexual encounters. The Social Face is the projection of one's social confidence, put simply.

"damn, that girl's social face is so on!"

"I'd approach him but his Social Face is out of my league!"

"check out that Social Face!"

by OfficerOfTheLaw December 7, 2011

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

National Socialism

Is the one true ideology.

National Socialism is the best ideology ever!

Fuck 'em jews.

by FΓΌhrern November 22, 2016

88πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Social Rhino

Unlike the "Social Butterfly" where one would "float" in and out of groups with relative ease and comfort, a social rhino is more likely to impose themselves upon a social clique. Not being able to take no for an answer, they will continue to try and "ram" their way into the group until they succeed when other members have given up trying to fight it.

Although ultimately feeling accepted into the group, one will often not notice negative feelings towards oneself behind their back.

Maria is being such a "social rhino", she just can't take a hint. I just wish I could tell her to piss off and find some other people to be friends with.

by Rex the Dragon February 4, 2011

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Social Academic

A social academic is what every college girl is looking for. He is the perfect balance between social charisma and academic excellence. It is important to note that a social academic cannot be too social or too academic, but rather a perfect balance between the two. This makes the social academic a rare and desirable breed of male specimen.

Sydney: "I really like Danny, but he's just not a social academic."
Taylor: "That sucks, my boy is a commerce major and can do a keg stand for 3 minutes. He's a perfect social academic."

by crazyducks January 20, 2015

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Social Networking

(n.) A website that generally stopped the use of email. These websites rarely load, due to a constant server overload. They also ruined literacy of children by introducing the acronym.

(v.) When a person prefers to talk to their "friends" online instead of in person. Generally used by nerds who enjoy insulting others and not having the balls to insult them to their face. When this is used, that person is generally anonymous, due to the risk of being seen in public (which they really don't have to worry about, because they're always sitting in front of a computer). Social networking is also used by stalkers, due to the ability to appear as someone you are not. This tactic is also used by people who love hearing "omg ur soo hot lolol" and use a google picture, saying it is them.

Social networking is gay.

by kjfnksnvmv,s November 24, 2009

92πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

social stressors

Social stressors is collectively represent all those factors which can present in the society and have positive or negative impact on stress levels. For example culture, religion, education, economy, family and environmental factors. However each of them can be defined individually and as a whole under the heading of Social stressors. Social stressors has a very important role in defining and stress management.

We all live in a society and interlinked with each others through different means, i.e. family, education, religion an culture. All of them has an important role in our life. For example a person who is experiencing stress and trying to cope with through different techniques but his or her stress can never be eradicated until all the related stressors present around him are matched or minimize to stress. Family bondage, peers, love, relations, marriage, divorce as a family stressors. Education system conflicts, unclear tasks and goals and ambition. Inflation in economy, unemployment. Cultural and religious beliefs and contemporary life style are all considered as social stressors.

by Aaesa Family January 4, 2014

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Social Justice

A perversion of justice which is inherently unjust. Not justice.

Justice is justice. Social Justice is therfore necessarily a subversion of justice (usually to suit political goals (regressive left) or personal goals (virtue signaling)).

If justice is just, then social justice cannot be just - in the same way political correctness is not correct.

by Morkus Morkus August 15, 2018

243πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž