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Troll spamming

When a couple of boys hop in in a pickup and grab your shovels, queso cheese, unborn fetus, paint, and a few other things and troll spam.

Hey jack want to go troll spamming I'll bring the unborn fetus

by Trollspam2019 April 5, 2019

Saturated spam

A nasty way to say we got beef

Yo bro we got saturated spam

by Summa44 April 22, 2019

Saturated spam

A nasty way to say we got beef

Yo bro we got saturated spam

by Summa44 April 22, 2019

spam bombed

Being bombarded by spam from the same person multiple times.

*checks email*
"argh! I have been spam bombed!"

by Jadefordiamondz April 9, 2010

Spam Master

The act more common in fighting games, in which one uses one move consecutively to defeat an opponent. Used so rapidly to which the opponent cannot fight back.

1. " Im such a spam master when im playing very hard on Mortal Kombat."

2. "This guy is such a spam master, he justs keeps hitting me in the air."

by Zaivon K August 13, 2010

Spam Chunk

A regurgitated piece of processed meat.
Can be used randomly in sentences or to insult the woman in your life.

Damn thats one stinky spam chunk!

by Ebaynympho June 22, 2010

spam gram

You use "spam gram" on a private account usually since you spam a lot.

Hey follow my new spam gram

by crazygirl2001 April 19, 2016

2👍 1👎