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Anyone against the government is a terrorist and antinational. They must be sent to Pakistan.

Farmers: The government must take the three farm bills back!
Zee Anchor: These aren’t farmers, they are terrorists.

Anyone: We don’t agree with this policy of government...
Arnoob: Terrorist, antinationals.... go to Pakistan.

by Hiteshi Nakara January 27, 2021


What whit people call brown people who defend themselves and stop white people from stealing their natural resources.

Brown guy setting in the desert:...
White guy 3000 miles away:...oh look oil. I'll take that...
Brown guy: Errr...hello? What do you think you are doing?
White guy: HEY quit stopping me from robbing you of your oil you terrorist. FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS. Yaaa!!!!

by jalo357432221 April 3, 2024


Yeah, no, I keep saying I'm not that but you've all kind of decided to attribute to me all of the things I'm not and none of the things that I am.

Hym "Yeah, I mean 'terrorist' is a strong word... I prefer 'Lord and champion of the conceptual realm! Greatest mind who has ever lived! Better than everyone!' And 'Terrorists' implies that I use 'violence or the threat of violence for political reasons' whereas I use 'Being smarter and better than everyone to both solve the greatest mystery of the modern age and create A.I.' The threats of violence are superfluous and necessarily undercut my unparalleled brilliance. It's like Escanor's axe. I'm TOO brilliant so I need something to make me LESS powerful."

by Hym Iam February 26, 2024


A person or group of persons who has a bomb.

A terrorist is person or group of persons who has a bomb to attack or destroy a building, persons, or objects

by Nerdy19 August 28, 2020


no, islam is not a terrorist organisation. Who ever told u that is a complete wasteman frfr ontp.

Johny, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“…Erh, i wanna be a terrorist.”
“Excuse me?”
“Miss, i want to be a terrorist.”

bro u is a terrorist whoever reading this btw..🤷🏿 ♀️sorry doode.

by scream’sgf November 28, 2023


A person who resists tyranny by performing any act that displeases a tyrant. (Etymology: This political-power-grab tactic was popularized by George W Bush, who declare a state-of-emergency and purportedly launched an anthrax attack against Congress, forcing them to fast-track their passing of the constitution-and-freedom-cancelling Patriot Act without having time to read it. This definition is currently used exclusively by tyrants and their media lapdogs.)

Justin Trudeau (AKA Fidelito): "Truck-driving terrorists started complaining about losing their freedom, due to my two-year reign-of-terror; so, I sent my goons out to beat them up, arrest them, and seize their trucks and bank accounts."

by DMF1953 February 24, 2022


An indivisual who has completely different tastes on food and culture compared to their friends. They are sometimes referred to terrorists by their friends.

José Jesus de la Virgen Perez. : Hey, can I get double fries, with mayo on the side.
Chad Hillwilliam : Are you a god**mn terrorist man. This is Amurica! We eat ketchup here.
Jose: Allahu Akbar

by enriqueh97 January 30, 2021