Very Quick, Very Agile Skaters who make nifty moves and always fin.
Jordan Eberle has crispy skates.
When you skate you skate switch instead the entire day.
Did you know today is national skate switch day? You have to skate switch now!
The best friend anyone could ask for who’s name was a typo
“He’s a pillow skates he forgot his own kid”
Can be either in a good way or a bad way as we all love skating and we either love or hate the feeling it gives us (fear and sadness as it can lead to pain or excitement and joy)
A: Hey how are things with Jenny?
B: Not good I just don’t know where I am with her she really puts my heart on skates sometimes.
Where you lay out a load of empty 2 litre bottles in a row, place a skateboard with no wheels ontop, run and jump on it, and then roll along. It's bloody hard and can hurt like hell, but its pretty fun to do.
"Have you just been bottle skating?"
"Yeah, and I've fractured my wrist in two places."
"But it was fun, right?"
"Hell yeah!"
a combination of the terms tight-arse and cheap-skate.
someone who doesn't like to spend their money (who is not poor) in a very unlikable manner
Oh Rodriguez is such a tight-skate, he never pays his share.
The awkward moment between friends, when one, particularly keen on ice skating, is promised an opportunity to participate in this recreational sport with other friend(s) but then at the last minute said "friend" refuses to participate leaving the other on an ice-prairie of not having anyone to skate with.
Furious hand gestures are then made, mimicking pirouetting motion and fist shaking in rage.
"Hey Jude, do you fancy going ice skating, on the new Christmas rink in town?"
"Yeah, I promise you we'll go next week"
*Next Week*
"Lets go to the ice rink then!"
"Nah, it's too cold"