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wall banger

A Wall Banger is a way for many of todays youth to get a natural high; from making eachother passout.

How this is achieved you might ask?

well, first you would stand straight up against a wall. Than you take 13-15 large breaths and push all the blood preasure into your head. Hold your breath in and have a friend put all their preasure on your chest. You pass out for 20 seconds to a minute, and enjoy!

1. wow that wall banger was fun man, your turn!

2. wall bangers are great but I think I'm getting brain damage man...

by ThexDoctorxSays September 24, 2007

15πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

MySpace Banger

a person who gang bangs on a neighborhood or a person from a neighborhood while they are on myspace

posting bulletins that say: F*** yo hood, F*** Bloods, F*** Crips, ECT; OR Sending messages with the intent to call someone out... ***PLEASE NOTE: MySpace Banging could be deadly...

MySpace Banger: also known as FaceBook Baner, MyYearbook Banger, ECT. The word MySpace can be changed to many names due to the fact that there are many social networks...

by Sheena R, April 25, 2008

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Four Banger

A calculator that supports only, or only a few more functions than, the four basic math operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The Burroughs Model C3660 was a popular four banger calculator.

by Mike Blaszczak August 15, 2006

55πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

Screen banger

Some one who has sexual relationships with screen doors for pleasure

dave:did you see ol' man jankens
num nuts:no why?
dave:he have become a screen banger

by bigbuttballer69 October 3, 2011

closet bangers

Two people that are having intercourse at work and trying to hide it.

Did you hear about the boss and the chick in accounting?

Yeah they are closet bangers.

by Azmodeus July 6, 2017

Net banger

Some who is all talk on internet but doesn’t do shot in real life.

β€œIma fuck you up bro on sight when I see you”
β€œOk net banger

by Taysom.w January 12, 2022

Block Banger

Someone who talks shit in person while in their own safety.

John talked shit to bob while he was in the car driving away or johnny was talking shit to billy while he was few feet away and running away at the same time. These types of people are known as Block Bangers

by wjd.ssg February 14, 2018