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sneaky sniff

When you touch ya butt and then sneak a sniff of your hand, usually by pretending to itch your nose.

Chris did a sneaky sniff on his way out of the bathroom and nobody was none the wiser!

by Barnaby J. Buttsnap V November 6, 2017

Sneaky Porn

(Snฤ“โ€ขkฤ“ - pรดrn)

1. VERB: The act of surreptitiously placing pornographic images in hidden, unexpected places, whereby a person would unlikely, yet eventually stumble upon it.

See: Sneaky Poo

2. NOUN: Pornographic images that are found after being purposely hidden in unexpected places as a practical joke.

1. "We're gonna Sneaky Porn that house!"

2. "I just found Sneaky Porn in my fireplace!"

by Tristessa_27 October 5, 2014

sneaky goblin

When man/woman farts and it rolls to the front and, oh so delicately, tickles the balls/clitoris.

Yo bro, you seem a little tense...hemorroids acting up? Nah, just a sneaky goblin.

by Jrmoragf July 19, 2017

the sneaky amigo

when you are having intercourse with a girl in the dark, have your friend hide in the closet and once you pull out have your friend replace you secretively

lsat night me and john gave your mom the sneaky amigo

by montreal canadiens suck April 8, 2011

Sneaky Snake

A sneaky person (male) that gets away with doing things that he should not do.
A story teller

*Opens iPhone box* "WOW! Joel's penis! You Sneaky Snakes!"

by AirsoftNation.org January 5, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneaky link

To link with someone, usually after dark๐Ÿ˜

"Tonight Imma sneak out to my sneaky link and we finna Netflix & Chill"

by Casanova.girl December 6, 2020

48๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneaky Houdini

The act of having anal sex and tell your partner your about to cum but instead you spit on their back tricking them so when they turn their head around you actually cum on their face.

Dude jeffrey pulled a sneaky houdini on Jill

by eazyamo April 14, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž