To be someone of similarity to Cameron Scott darling or To be cunt like
Oh my god stop being so double standards you’re turning into cameron
Something that helps one person or group out and not another.
The reptilian boy girl was always listenened to by others when she described who she did feel comfortable around and didn't feel comfortable around, yet nobody else was listened to as to whether they felt comfortable around her. People gave her a benefit of the doubt males wouldn't get because she was female, and she capitalized on it, she played them with it. It was a double standard feminists would never mention, since they don't mention any that don't make themselves look disadvantaged and good at the same time in the public eye.
The one where if a male stands up for a female, he's a soldier, but if he stands up to a female, he's a clown. Meanwhile, if a female stands up to a male, she's a hero, and everybody is on her side. That is one you don't hear about from feminists, since they are more interested in having their own win a bullshit battle of the sexes than having all of humanity triumph.
Females are not a less selfish sex than males, you just don't hear as much about a double standard that doesn't make them look good from feminists.
When someone lives to excess and has nothing but expanding dollar signs/becoming powerful (in real estate or new development, for example) on their mind, but also wants to wrap their tentacles around conservation efforts and humanitarian causes (such as social justice, income equality, sustainable energy, and a bunch of other issues they don't even hold sacred) to cover their tracks (and get credited for positive things) in case anybody questions (or stands up to) them.
The dorky bubbly girl claming to be a humanitarian and conservationist was one of the main reasons a lot of trees were missing, but she was too busy poking fun at other people's double standards to notice her own. She thought that humans were too responsible for global warming because she thought everyone else was trying to dominate or control the world's resources to the extent (excesses) that she was. She was arrogant enough to believe humans caused the last ice age, and that they were the sole reason for global warming, and the worst thing about somebody like her was that she didn't know it, she only saw arrogance in other people, which is the worst kind of arrogance, complete and total narcissism (the kind of narcissism that also only sees narcissism in others). The planet wasn't going to miss her when she was no longer a part of it and it's problems, but she would never see that either, because she had convinced the planet and the people living on it that they somehow needed her.
If a male was try and make a female wear (or not wear) a striped shirt, it would be called sexism, but if a female makes her husband wear the stupid fucking shirt, it's not called anything, they don't even have a name to call it.
People that like to poke fun at a double standard, but don't like anyone noticing their own never made a name to call a female that makes her husband wear a shirt.
Different people held to different standards.
Nothing he/she did was ever lecherous, but if some else did the same thing as him/her, it was called lechery. No amount of celebration was excessive enough for him/her, and it was never called gloating when he/she did it, but if somebody else did it, it was always called gloating. He/she never did anything by a double standard, but was quick to try and tease or poke fun at the double standards of others.
The one where if a dude claimed he got raped people wouldn't hesitate to question or laugh about his suffering/trauma, but if a female claims she got raped, people are expected to cry, march, protest, beat, kill, or a cut somebody's dick off for her, go to war, do something about it is one you don't hear about much from feminists. No wonder they keep so much power that way.
You tend to hear a feminist pick at the double standards that make them look brave, strong, and heroic more than you tend to hear about the ones that make them look cowardly, pathetic, and weak. Males don't have that luxury, despite all their push for what they think equality is. Their view of equality is that males have it made, and it's an unrealistic view.