Source Code

tragic hero

someone who originally great in position/status/possessions/power and then falls from that greatness becoming nothing

Hamlet is a tragic hero

by v92d21s12 February 25, 2011

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Guitar Hero

A whoreish chick that plays the guitar on her vagina when fucked. Should also be called GH for short.

I banged Guitar Hero last night. GH is a freak!

Guitar Hero sucks at playing her own guitar! She got boo'd off the stage when I was fucking her.

While I was trying fuck Guitar Hero, she started playing Stairway to Heaven on her pussy.

by downtown dweller mofo September 21, 2010

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hero rush

In Warcraft III (Reign of Chaos or The Frozen Throne), the practice of attacking the opponents base using only your hero (and any summoned units, if the hero is a summoner of some kind). Mostly prevalent in multiplayer games when there are multiple allies, thus maximizing the effect. In a Hero Rush, the opponent's workers are usually targeted first. The purpose of a hero rush is to strike early to gain a huge (and hopefully insurmountable) advantage.

Red and Pink are doing a Hero Rush on Teal. TP (teleport/town portal) to Teal now.

by Koby_Fish July 13, 2004

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Guitar Hero

A video game, originally published by RedOctane for Playstation 2, wherein a player uses a controller shaped like a Gibson SG as if it were a real-life, honest-to-God, swear-on-your-mother's-spatula guitar. Much like Dance Dance Revolution, coloured shapes fly atcha - you hold the corresponding coloured button down and strum. That's how complicated it is, really.
Evidently, there are guitar players who see this game as an abhorration of musical performance, as those who do not play guitar can now revel in the virtual panties thrown on their virtual stage. But there's nothing wrong with the game - there are those who play both Guitar Hero and a real guitar, with equal relish... tasty, tasty relish.
The choice is up to you... keep in mind that, however wonderful you and your friends may think you sound, the music industry isn't all that easy to be part of. And no way you can have a problem with playing 'Bark At The Moon' as the fuckin' Grim Ripper.

I am a Guitar Hero. Jimi Hendrix is a guitar hero. But if he could, you know he'd play this damn game.

by Underglow March 10, 2007

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Company of Heroes

A game with average graphics, that brags to be the most realistic WW2 strategy game out there, but fails to deliver. It gives units unlimited ammunition, extreme health (or very low accuracy), And has bullets curving around corners.

Overall it is far over-hyped, and will never beat "Men of War" in realism.

Company of Heroes flaws, where Men of War (The MORE realistic strategy game) is more realistic.

Tanks take multiple *penetrating* shots to kill, and have a health bar.

One squad of 3 people can commando their way through an army, since superhumans exist. Right?

Poor fog of war system with no camouflage (other than for snipers)

Shows the war from only the view of Germany, USA and Britain (forget about the countries that contributed less, but it left out major countries such as Japan and the Soviet Union)

by NuclearTerrorist March 5, 2010

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city of heroes

The only way to become a super-hero and fight tough crime.

I played city of heroes online and i beat the shit out of some villans.

by Tyler May 6, 2004

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what a hero

phrase that should be shouted in exclamation when somebody does something heroic or incredible

Jason just scored a bicycle kick to win the game, what a hero!

by blackmagicman November 16, 2010

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