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Tie Your Shoes Bc yuu trippin

you really cappin or tryin a bih so tie your shoes

aye tie your shoes bc yuu trippin g

by 4kt.slim33 March 8, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

tie the white boy down and shock his balls

"tie the white boy down and shock his balls" is what another cadet, Terry, says when he comes to our room with his buddies and wants to practice using his electro-sex device on me -- they attach electrodes to my tits, cock, balls, and asshole and give me electro-shocks and I blast my cum shock-shots everywhere!

Terry and his friends stopped by and they had a beer and said , "Why don't we tie the white boy down and shock his balls?

by USAF Cadet February 9, 2021

318๐Ÿ‘ 382๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tie my hair like Chauntae

A predominantly adequate method of braiding a females hair.

Tie my hair like Chauntae.

by Jason March 24, 2016

dripping tie

Somebody who wears a suit because they believe it makes them appear credible.

The guy walked into the room, absolutely dripping tie and talking crap.

by Nuts! January 29, 2024


thong, t-back

"Job description required her to wear a tie to work."

by noixz January 15, 2009


Slang term for a tourniquet

Yo bro, pass me a tie, so I can hit this smash.

by Mohawk Kris December 16, 2021


Baddest bitch on the whole world.
No other words

She will destroy your live if you hurt her!
Tie dye ๐Ÿ˜‚

by Hellobitches June 3, 2020