Simply put a word or phrase in the ENTIRE EXHAUSTIVE usage that can be subverted and/or perverted.
Testimony to as never hurts.
Definition of subvert
transitive verb. MERIAM WEBSTER CREDIT
1: to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : RUIN, DESTROY
2: to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith.
The telling me and " CAN YOU HEAR THEM, TALKING ABOUT YOU" as by away from you "G0SSIP is happening and you can find them fast as just say GO PISS as everybody around you who are indulgent on the GOGO TOLK (interpretation) have had been SUBVERTED into the PERVERTED VERBAL ENLIGHTENMENT as an amazing VERBAL EVENT.
Is it so bad to stop the DESTROY by using PERVERTED VERBAL ENLIGHTENMENT and hit the STY RODE on the PYRONES farm between SPAIN AND FRANCE and truly study the ODOR that emanates from there.
To express a level of anger through a torrent of abuse via a social network
If I don't get what I want...I will f*cking "unleash a verbal monster" on Twitter, you c*nt.
1. repititve words said by people, media, government and other elements -- that they go to an extent where they are considered redundants or, in other words, farts.
Origin: verbal - "of words", farts - "gaseous emissions from anus". ENGLISH
Dude #1: I'm sorry I didn't give your book, bro. I'll give it to you tomorrow.
Dude #2: You said that yesterday. You're pulling off verbal farts, bruh!
When you accidentally say a word that sounds like another word, even though they have completely separate meanings.
Teacher: "So, class, today I am going to teach you about single-celled orgasms (organisms)"
A stinging insult, harsh criticism or shocking revelation directed at a person or group of people. Plural-verbal bombs. rebuke, retort, rebuff, verbal assault, criticism, insult, angry response, snarl, yell, speak, talk, conversation, engage, psychological colonoscopy
I can see you are getting along with my parents splendidly. I don't think dropping the verbal bombs about your past drug use and sexual experimentation in college made this meeting easier.
verb; an explanation given during a drunken stupor- a "blackout" - either emotional, humorous, or devastatingly realistic.
"Dude, do you remember Megan telling that story about 'good evaluation vs. normal evaluation' at 3am? That story went on was such a verbal blackout"
when you're not supposed to say something about someone or something in particular in front of certain people and you just happen to have an emotional slip of your tongue.
My dad made me mad and I said lots of things I'll regret for my entire life. I had a verbal diarreha