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pakistani military victories

ie. Indian military defeats.

Referred to by Indians (Hindus in particular) as illusions, oxymorons, etc.

What stands as irrelevant to Indian Hindus is the daily slaughter of Muslims in India every day at the hands of sickeningly psychotic Hindu mobs, as in the Gujarat massacres, where entire Muslims families were burned alive, torn apart alive and raped.

Indian Hindu massacres have one chilling common theme; the slicing open of pregnant women and killing their unborn children, followed by killing the woman, or raping, then killing her, as occurs daily in Kashmir, and was a main feature of the Hindu massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.

Hindu extremists and moderats alike deny Kasmir's right to solidarity and the right to decide whether to go with Pakistan aor be independent. The fact that India rapes and pillages Kashmir because it is a Muslim region is evident in the massive scale of humn rights atrocities documented by Amnesty International and Unicef - whereas azad Kashmir (Free Kashmir), in Pakistan, ins a comparedly peaceful area with no such massacre, rape and pillaging.

The Pakistani government has always been about selling out to the higher bidder , with the exception of Zia ul Haqq, and it is therefore not a matter of contention between the Pakistani and Indian governments, but between the Mujahideen who battle Indian state terror and will one day emerge victorious and destroy it.

Typically, Indian Hindu peoples, as is the case with Americans, etc, are in denial about their governemnt's state terror and unquestioningly accept what the government feeds them anf who it tells them to hate - again, as in America. This thus desensitizes them completely to the suffering of anyone non-Hindu under the BNP regime, from Muslims to Sikhs to anyone non-Hindu, whose lives have zero value to the common Indian Hindu public.

India ranks as perhaps the most blatantly suppressive and murdering state laughingly labelled a 'democracy' in modern times - along with Musharraf's regime in Pakistan.

Pakistani military victories, especially under Musharraf, are irrelevant. The battle of the Mujahideen against Indian genocide and terror and the many battles they have won against thsi tyrannical regime are what is relevant, and what will destroy the genocidal Hindu extremists.

Hindu extremists and moderates both support genocide of Muslims; the Pakistani military does nothing while the Mujahideen bring the baby-butchering Hindus to task.

by Naouruki January 28, 2005

90๐Ÿ‘ 309๐Ÿ‘Ž

victory call

About a month after you have sex with a girl, when she calls you to tell you she got her period. You scream and jump for joy, feeling victorious, hence the "victory call"

-Yo, this girl gave me the victory call today, I swear I never been happier.
-So she not pregnant?
-Naw, dawg, she clean and I'm free!!!

by Jose Guillen March 10, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Polish Victory Lap

When a girl gives a guy a rim job around his anus clockwise, which is opposite of the direction of a traditional race.

My brother won't get rid of that large Beast he is dating because everytime she leaves his house, she gives him a "Polish Victory Lap" before she leaves.

by dong master January 31, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pre Victory Boner

When you have a boner caused by great confidence in your team bevore a mayor football match.

Football WM2010 Germany against England:

Tobi: We will kick some serious ass today.

Max:Yea i got a pre victory boner alrady.

by Lotharvombayern3 July 1, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Military Victories

noun: The French high command's definition for a retreat or surrender where minimal casualties are suffered and the wine and cheese cellars are still intact.

French Commander: =Insert Snooty French Laugh= "Zis wuz one of our greatest French Military Victories"

Enemy commander: "We don't have enough room in our prison camps so we massacred off half your army and ate and drank all your cheese and wine"

French Commander: "Sacre Bleu!"

by Mr Danish May 31, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flawless Victory Fatality

a flawless victory fatality is when you rock a deuce and there is nothing there to wipe and ten minutes later you rock a deuce or "Re-Deuce" and there is evidence of the fecal phantom

i thought i had a flawless victory on the crapper but i was in there ten minutes later only to realize that it was a flawless victory fatality

by Flawless Victory-Fatality December 18, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

french military victories

To blow up a Greenpeace ship in order to prevent its participation in peaceful protest against your nuclear weapons testing. Aka 'Operation Satanic'

Sam: "What the fuck is that greasy froggy bastard doing talking about french military victories?"


by kevinbacon March 26, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž