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How men treat them is incredibly well in exchange for nothing a getting nothing in return and get mocked with doing it.

If that's homophobia then sign me up. If I was a woman then "how men treat me" would be better than I'm currently treated by men or women. Maybe I'd stand in front of a camera and sponge up some free money for having tits. Maybe I'd fuck whoever I want. Maybe I just would get a job and shack up in someone else's life and make them support me. Or maybe I hang out with old guys in exchange for free money.

by Hym Iam October 24, 2020

1πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

women's perfume

when you love to feel the smell of a fart from a female

I told cindy that her farts smell like women's perfume

by logman February 26, 2004

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Respecting women

something that all men do.

jewny sure does love "respecting women"!

by krazeazn June 7, 2017

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

women β˜•

women β˜• means that women are hot and pretty and cute and awesome and amazing and sexy and the best people in the would so we should appreciate them and pay them at least 100 bil dollars each day

me seeing a pretty woman: I love women β˜•

by karlisthesexyandthebest July 25, 2022

70πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Women Boner

When a guy gets horny he obviously gets a boner. When a women gets horny... nothing really special happens. So we use the term women boner to describe it.

Becky: You see that sexy man over there.

Katie: Yeah i do, deffinatly got a women boner.

by Huge Jazzzzz October 21, 2009

15πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Women Moment

Something boys say who’ve never felt a women before and think they’re the funniest people alive.

Some Women: *does anything*

A social reject: wOmEn mOmEnT

Some Women: virgin moment

by Itspizzatime February 26, 2021

41πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

97% Women

Popular Slang used by Women usually of age 12 to 26 to define 120 out of 1000 women in the UK after a survey was conducted on the topic of sexual assault

Hey Alice, did you hear that 97% women are sexually assaulted ? Yeahh, i heard that most victims were sexually assaulted by being stared at, it sounds really dangerous doesn't it?

by xyzdesmarco March 21, 2021

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž