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gary stiff

the guy that's mixed but people call him white cuz they racist

Friend: Gary Stiff white ain't he.

by Whiteboiiwithglasses February 13, 2019

Tamashii Gari

Tamashii Gari means soul taker in Japanese, also known as a league of legends professional gamer.

Tamashii Gari is playing on RNG

by Tamashii Gari September 2, 2016

Gary Keen

A keen, old man that is always smiling. He loves to do stuff with people and records videos for some websites.

If you see this person in public or outside your home you might wanna hide or run and lock your doors.

Gary Keen did me last night!
Did you hear? Gary Keen likes to do it and breaks in!
Gary Keen IS really keen! No wonder hes' always smiling like he can do anything *wink wink*

by The Cameraman May 24, 2023

Gary Green

A slang term for marijuana. Often used at festivals, heard on shakedown street when trying to find the stuff without being found by the Fuzz.

Yo! Anybody seen Gary? Gary Green?

by Toust April 29, 2010

Gari Fu

An ancient, protected martial art practised by only a select few individuals on the entire planet. Practitioners are trained in the ways of developing an inferiority complex, erectile dysfunction, supreme butthurtery, making a fool of yourself and coming across as a general cunt. An art for a dedicated few.

"I wouldn't mess with him he knows Gari Fu "

by Hong Kong Blewy February 26, 2017

Gary Oldman

Be careful, that R is a life saver. you nearly searched... well look for yourself.

John "what's your favourite letter?"
Jimmy "definitely R."
John "why's that"
Jimmy "it saved me from searching gay oldman, instead i just searched gary oldman"

by pockst3r_95 September 23, 2020

Gary Pipe

A Yorkshire phrase used to describe an anus

Wow Terry I was out last night and I did that girl up the Gary pipe

by Kurbyking September 1, 2021