Alcoholic Gamer Syndrome or AGS is a disease, caused by overconsumption of alcohol and gaming, is the same disease which killed the dinosaurs. Symptoms of AGS are the unquenchable urge to consume alcohol and play video game (or as I like to call them "Devil games") for an overextended period of time. Some sufferers of AGS have been known to defecate themselves as to not interrupt their gaming session.
dudukakapeepeeshire, did you just shit your pants because you didn't want to interrupt your game? You need to get yourself checked for Alcoholic Gamer Syndrome!
Consuming alcohol that someone else has already consumed.
Kissing someone who has just taken a shot and receiving second-hand alcohol.
an invisible disability. happens when the mother drinks alcohol (any type) while pregnant. It causes irreversible brain damage to the developing fetus if the mother drinks alcohol enough. Symptoms can be different in everyone so some people get diagnosed in very early childhood or adulthood.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is real, it's not fake.
There is no such thing as too much alcohol!
Brian said he had too much alcohol last night, pussy! There is no such thing!
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Originated on XBox Live. Nyack Middle School students use this term a lot to indicate that they throw semen but aren't actually alcoholic. People like this are usually huge D-Bags on XBox Live and always ask you to "1 v 1" them on Modern Warfare.
Hey, I'm about to change my gamertag.
Shutup you Alcoholic Semen-Thrower!
....Like Nigy Nigz.
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A person who can drink relentlessly and give off the appearance of suffering little or no consequences.
Ira drink 23 beers last night and still made it to work on time this morning, he is a degenerate alcoholic.
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someone who acts ghetto and dirty, while thinking they drink classy, when they actually are slutty hoes.
yeo, dat jew rachet alcoholic aint gonna get my dick tonight
dayumm gurlll, dat jew rachet alcoholic knows how to dance on dat pole
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