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Backwards Apple

When a woman puts a dildo in her vagina ball side first and leaves the tip hanging out.

Stacy you can’t be doing the backwards Apple when mom is home.

by Joncena6972 May 27, 2021

backward compatible

Backward compatible is for exsample when a game of a previous console is playable on the latest console

"Dude! Did you know mgs1 is backward compatible on ps3?"

by Marmarmyhr July 25, 2017

Backwards fruit basket

When your girlfriend tucks the strap-on between her legs & fucks your mouth.

My girl didn't enjoy my Buffalo Bill fruit basket position, she got her revenge with the backwards fruit basket.

by Cyprian Rose November 15, 2020

backward dong spank

When a man backs up to a female naked (butt to butt) and they both bend forward with legs slightly spread apart and he bends his penis until it slaps spanks her pussy repeatedly.

Was thinking about you and doing the backward dong spank.

by Trixie9 February 25, 2020

backwards umbrella

When the wind is blowing too hard and your umbrella flips backwards

Well, there goes your backwards umbrella

by Dangitbobboe April 22, 2019

Mentally Backwards

Someone who is so stupid that they can't do simple taks such as tying their laces.

Another way of saying retarded, mentally challenged and mentally impaired

Bob: Can you help me write me name
Bobby: Can't you do that own your own
Bobby:Are you fucky mentally backwards

by bigboy johnny April 30, 2019

Backwards Bitch

The definition of certain woman, and a certain woman in particular.

{Man 1}: Did you fuck that bitch you know I love who will stay with you to piss me off?
{Man 2}: I did I dominated the fuck out of her, and she loved it.
{Man 1}: Well if I am your bitch matey, I will tell you this I am a backwards one, keep that in mind and make your choices accordingly.
{Man 2}: Fuck you you insane controlling individual.
{Man 1}: Guess that makes me a backwards bitch then.

by Proponent of Mora January 27, 2024