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Don't be a bullshit!

the act of being stupid or untruthful talk or writing; nonsense.

Anu: Hey Jordan, what's 5 times 2?

Jordan: Uhhh...7?
Anu: Don't be a bullshit!!!! It's 3.
Grayson: Uhhh....I think I learned that it was 10. Dumbasses.

by warfare-fury May 5, 2018

sans the bullshit

like everything thats good about something without all the BS

like working with a company that has no red tape or bureaucracy where they actually get things done and enjoy doing it. someone might say, this tech company is just like Google, sans the bullshit

by borneready February 13, 2018

arbitrary bullshit

Arbitrary bullshit is anything the contents of which does not matter that holds little to no intrinsic value, the discussing of which would entail such uses of energy and time that it is better dismissed.

Arbitrary bullshit is often assembled by people with low-intelligence, it is not their fault that they believe it to be important but also should not be treated as valuable as it may lead to the manifestation of more arbitrary bullshit by the original creator. This is often accompanied by feelings by the creator that what is objectively arbitrary bullshit is an original thought that others would benefit from hearing.

Some examples of arbitrary bullshit

"'God is a woman' has more listens than 'God is a man' which is showing how society has changed and is waking up to the fact that woman are the future."

In this example of arbitrary bullshit, the creator of said arbitrary bullshit has made a statement that will bring up many to tell their opinions. This is the "arbitrary bullshit exponential effect," and is easy to be sucked into if unaware. It leads

by centerOfTheMatrix December 9, 2018

Fluffy bullshit

Something without substance or relevance of any matter.

Im adding so much fluffy bullshit to make this paper longer.

by Fluffy123 May 11, 2011

Hyper Bullshit

When the bullshit transcends normal bullshit.

That game's difficulty is hyper bullshit!

by ドクター・オセロット June 6, 2018

bullshit hard

So difficult that it is bullshit.

When a video game has random components that make it difficult and that are unpredictable, that game is said to be bullshit hard.

by jakezeppelinfan December 13, 2013


Its name says it all. It detects bullshit and crap that piles from other people's mouths like verbal shite. They don't know your detecting their full of shite approach and i probably doubt they care. But hey oh. Your bullshit detector goes off the radar when you speak to certain people and you have that quizzical look on your face, a raised eye brow and your hand on your chin and they still talk shite at you.

Bullshit detectors are a must have. - get one today.

"Hey Dave my bullshit detector tells me your talkin a load of shit."

That guy talks a load of shit. My bullshit detector ran right of the spectrum soon as he opened his mouth.

by Moscow Man June 8, 2020