Source Code

Preemptive Call

A phone call you make to your needy girlfriend/boyfriend before you get into a Do-Not-Disturb mode. The primary (albeit unspoken) purpose of the call is to momentarily assuage your girlfriend/boyfriend's urge to call you, thus decreasing the likelihood of them calling you later, when you can't afford to be distracted.

Peter: I gotta do my taxes, but I bet my clingy girlfriend won't be able to fight the usual urge to call me.
Lawrence: Dude, just turn the damn cell phone off, or, better yet, make a preemptive call and get it over with.

by Jozzy October 21, 2007

clone call

When you call your machine to leave yourself a message to assure you won't forget something.

Clone Calling: the act of making a clone call.

Kathy; Hey, don't forget that we have tickets to the Styx Concert on the 29th!

Wendy: I don't have my calender, let me make a clone call.

by Almalphia September 27, 2010

Call of the Meadow

Reverse art block, similar to the Call of the Void phenomenon,
"Call of the Meadow" is a phrase to represent sudden thoughts or urges to create something beautiful such as to make art

"I been craving to make art, it's 1 AM and I really just want to make something beautiful rn"
"You're feeling the Call of the Meadow"

by SockFlip February 11, 2022

Call of DooDoo

a New game that just came with a new advance PooPoo in it

yoooooooo bro want to play some call of doodoo

by your in school right now October 5, 2021

2👍 1👎

call accounting

Call accounting is software or hardware that provides metrics for telephony functions such as traffic analysis, toll fraud alerts, network management and cost allocation to various departments. There are countless call accounting vendors that tout their various features and niches. Some specialize in professional bill back, others focus on the unique requirements of hospitality environments and others offer generic solutions for general business requirements

I use call accounting software to keep track of misuse and abuse of telephone calling.

by Rito Salomone, www.telecost.com October 6, 2006

The Call of Piskers

In order to complete this action, the use of a 2 way radio is needed. It takes place when you are absolutely frightened (and not sure what the hell to do) and afraid of getting locked in a closet, you radio for help by screaming for your shift supervisor.

Evan: Dude, did you hear what happened last night?

Chuck: Yeah, I heard there was The Call of Piskers.

Evan: Yeah, he got tied to a chair this time.

by mmg2011 October 14, 2011

Call Block

Being forced to make sales calls While not being allowed to do anything else even use the restroom

Man this call block sucks. I tried to use the restroom, but my boss took away my chair and made me stand up for the rest of the call block.

by Slanging Freight January 16, 2009