When a female can’t stop loving you and is attached to you or the guy before you.
You:this girl keep talking about me
Your friend: she’s clipped to you bro
(n.) the best part of something; what you want to show the world. the highlights
I know I had a rough year, but it's only clips for me from here on out
a highlight, the best part of something, something fire
derived from clipping a video, the clips are the best part
Kid 1: Dude I got pizza pockets from Costco
Kid 2: Thats a clip fr
Clips is the New York way of saying it’s over
The knicks game is clips they lost by 40
Verb : To kill someone, usually with a gun since a gun clip is the device that holds the bullets
Rick: Man that new kid is giving me a hard time
Jim : You want me to clip him ? Still got my old mans gun
Rick: No man! Jeez calm down. Why are your thoughts so evil?
Jim: ok shutup or i'll just clip you instead
Doing the coolest shit ever in an fps game, like a cool trick, or a stunt. Usually said in Fortnite.