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Infant Dookie

Adjective: (1) A nicer way of saying "little shit" to somebody

Person 1: You're being so annoying today. Stop being such an infant dookie you little shit.

by Akihoe May 10, 2023

Dookie Can

a can with a big smelly dookie in it

"Hey, can I have a taste of that dookie can?"
"Sure bro, this dookie can is nice, hot and fresh!"

by poopooheadhahahah June 12, 2020

Spooky Dooky

To take a shit in a toilet of which is spooky.

take a spooky dooky

by Fuery February 1, 2023

Dookie Jet

When the minute you stop squeezing your ass cheeks it all comes out at once. Nice.

“Yo that was a wicked shit, 100% a dookie jet

by Sir Plop March 9, 2020

Dookie Bookie

you got 5-0’d on cod? You’re dookie bookie.

you’re mad 5-0 you’re dookie bookie

by TheHashSlingingShlasher January 29, 2023

dookie pusher

Homosexual man inserts penis into man's rectum

Ol gay ass Dookie Pusher, let the man booboo don't shove it back in there.

by HESKINDAEVIL July 1, 2017

dookie pusher

Man inserting penis into a man's rectum.

Man I think he's gay, heard he's a dookie pusher.

by HESKINDAEVIL July 1, 2017