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honest engine

Honest engine is like the triple dog dare of swearing or promises. If someone asks you honest engine you have to tell the truth and if someone discovers you lied on an honest engine you are an ass hole and they will never forgive you. Can be used as a verb, question, or statement.

Friend 1: Did you sleep with my girlfriend?
Friend 2: No I swear I didn't.
Friend 1: Honest engine?
Friend 2: Honest engine I didn't sleep with your girlfriend.


I know he was telling the truth he honest engined it.


Honest engine I did not cheat on that test.

by Honest Engine May 25, 2007

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search engine

One of various webpages dedicated to helping you find webpages related to your query.

google is the best search engine

by d00d June 20, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Steam Engine

A circle of men Double Dutch Ruddering. The end result looks like a steam engine powering off the line

Todd, James, Jonny, Tom, Harmon, Jamal and Kyle steam engined last night in the house for hours on end, scared the shit out of me when i walked downstairs

by thearcangel696969 February 5, 2011

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software engineering

One of the most pointless principles in the field of computer science. Entails nothing but common sense applied to programming, and generally takes up too much of your time to create stupid diagrams so people less intelligent than yourself can understand how it fits together.

Software engineering was the stupidest class I had to take in college, it reminded me of the kind of work my friends in the School of Business do.

by Phil October 16, 2004

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search engine

Shamelessly endorses other websites by letting people add their sites to a great big list of sites.

I searched 'Ancient Egyptian Remains' on the search engine and got 14 000 results, mainly consisting of pornography.

by Bastardized Bottomburp June 27, 2003

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search engine

Special Web sites that allow you to search for stuff, like pictures, CDs, jobs and even other Web sites.

Google is a very quick and efficient search engine

by RatchetBoo June 21, 2003

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Car Engine

Your penis

Did you see my boyfriends car engine?
Yeah, it went so far in!

by Fred McBob May 21, 2009

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