It's a name for a dead Fandom. This can happen of lack of new joiners. The more the haters are the more the Fandom rips apart and fades
A Faded Fandom will be the godamm Furry Fandom here's the proof: it will die quick because the haters may be too much to handle for the Fandom wich causes the Fade And End. It will be forgotten. Among us Fandom is also dead because the game is the Fandom.
1👍 1👎
A ritualistic game played during group cigar smoking sessions where, nearing the end of a shared cigar, someone annouces the call to competition, "Doobie Fade". The competitors proceed to pass around the "roach" of the cigar until at last, finally, someone is unable to hit it or the roach goes out. The person in possesion of the "roach" when this happens must then eat the said "roach"
Jake "You gonna ash that? Naw, Who's down for doobie fade?"
Kyle "I think I'd rather eat Star Jones Ass"
1) to space out
2) to dissappear with out any body knowing
3) to get high
1) I Just faded in the wind
2) person one: wheres jack
person two: idk he just faded in the wind
3) i just got some killer kush and faded in the wind
The state of being so high someone will exclaim “nigga” regardless of that party’s race.
William was so nigga-faded last night, him and Darnell almost scrapped.
When a nigga act goofy , he tryna catch a boostie fade.
Bro why do you look like a boston baked bean
Woah cuz you tryna catch a boostie fade
To be so blackout drunk that you prestige, hit sobriety, proceed through buzzed, lit, shitfaced, and hit blackout again.
As drunk as you can be without dying.
The best possible scenario for when you get weird with your friends.
So drunk that you can only speak in cursive.
When you are so drunk that you have to hold on to the grass to keep the world from spinning.
"Hey boys, let's get butt faded tonight!"
"I am physically incapable, because I got so butt faded from your cough syrup margaritas last night."
"I was so butt faded that I head butted the bathroom mirror in the bar because I thought it wanted to fight. Steve the bartender says I owe him a new mirror.... again..."
When you lose every game you play and lose 50/50 on qiqi
dude i got paperbag faded on my yae miko pulls T_T