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aids and fail

A complete and utter lack of goodness and or decency. See Daikatana

"That game is made of Aids and Fail."

by ChadAvant March 25, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Epic Fail

A failure so abysmal it is epic in scale.

Hey, what was that other system in the mid-90's Sega made, you know, that one, it had Nights and that Dragoon game.

Oh you mean the Sega Saturn? That thing was Epic Fail.

by chang cow dong May 6, 2008

298๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

Epic Fail

Total and utter failure
(failure so big no even light can escape it)

A man who tries to kill him self like this:

He points a gun in his head,
puts a gallow's rope on his neck and puts poison pill in his mouths and then jumps off the cliff...
Then following things happen:
He shots a gun but hits the rope,
the poison pill fails out of his mouths,
he falls into watter and swims to the coast then dies from Hypothermia...
NOTE:(this is example of almost Epic failure:)

by THENAME August 10, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian fail

To receive a grade less than a 93 on anything-be it a class average, homework assignment, or even a lowly participation grade.

Medha: Oh my god I'm going to fail this class!

Miscellaneous non-Indian person: What are you talking about, you're nowhere near failing this class

Medha: Man dang, I mean I'm going to Indian fail this class. That test is going to bring my average down below a 93!

Bhavya: Medha, ya real stoop.

by SmokeyBearSB November 5, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

fail flail

A weapon used, similar to the ban hammer, to tell someone that they fail.

I saw your post on ytmnd forums, and I administered the fail flail to it.

John whacked George with the fail flail after George sent him the o rly owl.

emoxlover and MCRocker were smacked with the fail flail by the admins because emo sucks.

by AWPerative July 26, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

hoco fail

When the students of howard county refer to their B or eve low A as a failing grade. When a student of hoco says they received a failing grade, assume they mean a B unless they say specifically that they "legit failed".

"Hey how'd you do on the test?"
"Not great. I failed. Not even a hoco fail, legit fail. I got a 69%."

by One with Burliegh April 30, 2016

Lyric fail

When you mishear the lyrics to a song, and make the lyrics sound dumber then they actually are.

Queen's somebody to love on the radio: Each morning I get up and die a little
Guy 1: dude did that just say it's more then I get for butt dialing
Guy 2: No. That was a pretty big lyric fail

by Strawberry_Gashes March 9, 2010