hvis du er en adem er du typen der sutter din vens pik og spørg ham efter hvad han laver du er så dum du har finger på fødrene og tær på hænderne en kylling uden hovede er klogerer end dig din adem
person.1, hvorfor ligger ham der nøgen i en busk, han er bare en adem
An Asian who is confused of his sex. When an Asian man gets ereaction due to other boys.
After seeing boys he was like Harry Han.
A stupid guy, however he could be nice occasionally. Generally a plebeian, conceited.
That Qi Han is so cute, sad that he has a terrible personality.
Afk-ing, trolling, and otherwise being absent during gameplay
"There she goes Han-ing again, she missed the first two bosses!"
"Nice, she just Han'd it"
"Where is Han? AFK again? Han-ing as usual"
Slap the sh*t out of a person, literally getting them in hospital while looking like Papi Hans, a bulgarian singer. This is done when your left-handed friend uses WASD with right hand.
A: My friend is a lefty and uses WASD with right hand.
B: Just Papi Hans Slap that disgusting human