A proper noun, referring to a young girl full of beauty and cuteness. The girl named Mi is very harmonious with everyone around, especially caring and devoted to her loved ones. The girl often has dreams of running or swimming like an Olympic athlete. Hate lies, love beauty.
Me in Critterese
Caveman, the cool guy: mi give you rock, mu give mi fire.
A vietnamese name for girls who is intelligent,cute and type of girl that you want to spend all of your time but she might be crafty sometimes.
Me:I met with a girl today .She is cheerful and gorgeous
Friend:Who is she ?
Me:Her name is Mi, i can't wait to talk with her
manipulative terrible friend and person if you ever find a mi, run
A Mi is a person who is kind and a loyal friend. She’s intelligent, hardworking, but stubborn as well. She never gives up and is very thoughtful. She is normally clumsy and often trips over things or gets hit in the head during sports. Someone you can tell anything to and she’ll listen and keep your secrets, won’t judge you for who you are and what you stand for. She truly is the most loyal and amazing friend/ companion you can wish for.
Mi is such a nice person.
is a very hot person who has a pretty ass😝
mi is the best girl i’ve ever met