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hot tub baby

Due to the high temperatures found in hot tubs normal sperm can not survive. Therefore if any sperm do survive they're pretty freakish and abnormal. Any pregnancy resulting from use of these sperm results in a hot tub baby

Why does that kid have 3 arms? He's a hot tub baby.

by Shane March 22, 2005

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Hollywood Hot Tub

One partner urinates into the other's bellybutton. The urine pools up in the bellybutton and creates a warm pool (Hot Tub).

Ciara told me that Jeff gave her a Hollywood Hot Tub last night and it tickled her so much that she peed too.

by shizzleGizzleGizzenGar August 25, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Washington Hot Tub

A bathtub you take a shit in, commonplace in Washington State.

Tanna went to the bathroom for the 8th time, but this time she used the Washington Hot Tub.

by GratzNaturia June 8, 2016

Heatstroke in the Hot Tub

A condition marked by fever or unconsciousness due to excessive exposure to hot water.

My friend Jed had a heatstroke in the hot tub and was admitted to the hospital.

by Doctorjed March 4, 2019

popped a tub mate

When you fuck up something in a really bad manner

Damn bro, you popped a tub mate mate! *must say in Australian accent*

by Fofdog May 25, 2020

Pastrami Hot Tub

A fat thick meat gina.

A wide, meaty vagina.

"I don't wanna be in that...pastrami hot tub!"

by LIONSS DENNN December 2, 2016

Hot tub room

"The hot tub room" is an old wooden room that used to have a hot tub in it. A bunch of stoner teenagers remade it to be their hangout/smoke room. What's done in this hot tub room are not many important things. They smoke marijuana, cigarettes, play cards, eat, and play jungle. The hot tub room resides in a local home of Florida, NY.

"Hey Kyle! Let's go hangout in the hot tub room, I have everything we need!"

"Okay Steph! Don't need to tell me twice!"

by Nyer117 August 7, 2014