Source Code

Mexican Hotbox

When 2 or more males lay in an enclosed truck bed while smoking a minumum of one blunt per person. To be an official Mexican Hotbox, the truck must be a lowered Chevy S-10, and each blunt must be smoked end to end before lifting the cover.

Smoke poured out of the mexican hotbox when I lifted the cover, we smoked at least 4 blunts while we were in there.

by iG3tBr@in April 17, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Judo

The Mexican Martial art: Usually involves pulling out a concealed gun or knife during a fight.

The name comes from the accent of many Mexicans when they try to say the word "You" it comes out "Chew or Jhew" and they way they run enlish words together making the phrase "You Don't" sound sort of like "Judo"

Watch out he probably knows Mexican Judo...\

(fake accent) Judo-know if he has a knife, Judo-know if he has a gun.

by Sir Smurfalot May 12, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Ounce

A true ounce is 28.5 grams. A Mexican Ounce is 25 grams (not 24 grams as incorrectly defined above). The reason the measurement is shorted is because it is easier to divide and multiply by 25 rather than 28.5 when converting between imperial and metric measurements. That way when it is split from larger quantities like kilos or pounds, it divides into even smaller quantities and there is no remainder.

For example:

1lb = 16oz = 400g (true measurement of 456g)
1kg = 40oz (true measurement of 35.2g)

Johnny: I went to Hector for an ounce and when I weighed it out it was 25g.

Robbie: Damn! That's only a Mexican Ounce. Last time we buy from that dude.

by lx5spd November 12, 2016

41๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

mexican ambulance

a wheel barrow, hand truck or dolly.

"Pedro just cut off his toe with the shovel! Then dump out that cement, and take him in the mexican ambulance."

by R. Brown June 11, 2007

66๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Lampshade

During the sexual act of "sixty-nine", should the female claim that the room lighting is too bright, the male thinly stretches his scrotum over her nose and eyes.

Your mom said it was too bright so I helped her get over it with a sweet Mexican Lampshade.

by ss43 July 8, 2010

41๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

ridin mexican

A vehicle that has more occupants than seats.

I saw seven mexicans get out of a 1987 two door honda civic.

If we don't take two vehicles we will all have to end up ridin mexican in my car.

by random0934598347598347 April 17, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

mexican huggie

The paper bag in which a cold beer and or wine comes in when you buy such product from a convenient sto or liquor sto. If the individual par-takes in the cold beverage while it is still in said sack, the sack then becomes a mexican huggie.

The huggie is very handy when one wants to(keep his or her beverage on the down low, protects hands for cold container, bottle integrity, maintain liquid temp, ease of disposal.

My friend Sasha always enjoy's her boones farm wine in a mexican huggie so not to get her lil paws cold!!

Ninja's from Nickelville tend to sip on they 40's while protected in a mexican huggie!

Yo dawg just put yo cheap shizzle in a mexican huggie, that way all the big booty hoe's be thinking we dranking Heinekens!

by duckninja6 April 19, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž