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V. To steal, or take without permission. Can be food, drink, or any other stealable tangible items.

DUDE! What the hell, you niggered all my fries!

Yo, Im gonna nigger his bud after we smoke some.

by Lunes May 1, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used by an African American, a word that means friend usually to another African-American.

Used by a white person, it means a person, usually African-American, is the physical manifestation of "ghetto trash" like who uses rapper slang, commits crime, and/or steals drugs, but doesn't necesarrily refer to the whole African race.

AFRICAN AMERICAN USE: Me and my nigger are going to the movies on Friday.

WHITE USE: I'm tired of those damn niggers down the street stealing my garden gnomes!!!

by gamerpete January 21, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bastardization of Nigeria used to refer to those of African ancestry that were enslaved to enrich the ruling class of the U.S.A. up until the Civil War. Afterwards, primarily used by ignorant white people cracker redneck as term to insult and disparage black people. Term was uttered before each and every lynching. Think before you speak.
In the 20th century slur was taken up by all kinds of whites as they began to fear economic and social competition from blacks for scarce resources (i.e. clean affordable housing and virtuous white women).
Sadly, with the rise of hip-hop music and culture in the late 20th century, uneducated young blacks embraced the term as "real." As also led to the phenomenom of wiggers wigga (i.e. K. Fed, Eminem, Kanye West, etc.)
Can also refer to an lazy, trifling and educated person of any race (i.e. Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc.)

1. Thomas Jefferson to George Washington. "I'm telling you George, not only do the niggers pick cotton better than indentured servants from Ireland, but the nookie is better too."
2. After some white girl was busted indulging her Mandingo fetish. "Zeke get the rope. We's going to kill that nigger!"
3. Anywhere U.S.A. "Shit! Louise! Some niggers just moved in down the street." Call the real estate agent."
4. Corner in the hood. "What's up nigga?"
5. After looking at latest photo of Brit & K. Fed. "Ain't that some nigger shit?"

by AvalonScholar August 31, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A unintelligible, dark-skinned person, usually of African American descent.

1. Look at that nigger eating all the fried chicken and stealing your new bike.

2. People in the desert, like Saudi Arabia, are called sand niggers.

by 4graetjustice April 28, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž



these niggers gay as fuck

by nigeriansshallburnxd April 30, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A decent person who is black is not a nigger. Niggers are smelly pieces of shit who can't get a job and use the word nigger on a secondly basis, yet take it as an insult when a white person says nigger. They steal your bike and TV, wear pathetically sized gold chains sell cocaine smoke kush whilst in KFC or at home watching YOUR TV that they burgled from ur house when u was out or sleeping. They refer to the block the live in as 'ma hood nigga'. They talk in a language I like to call ' stupid nigger cunt' language that noons but them can understand, probably so they can talk about the next crime theyre going to commit without anyone being aware of the fact they are going to wake up in the morning with no TV, car and the house stinking of nigger. They also need to buy (or steal, which they usually like to do) a fucking belt and t shirts that are not 25 sizes too big for them. And stop using benefits to buy chicken, huge gold chains and green. I say this again, not all black people are niggers, only useless smelly thieving drug dealing and taking pieces of wank should be referred to as niggers and should be instantly killed at childbirth.

Nigger: wah gwan mah nigga wanna go bust a cap in dat mofuckin honkys ass coz he white and don't sell drugs?

Other nigger: yeah nigga let's go fuck dat stupid white boy up coz of his skin and dat OK coz we black

Respectable decent black guy: shut the fuck up you useless cunts get a job and stop selling coke and smoking dope in front of kids and stop stinking out the neighbourhood you uncivil cunts

by a human 101 December 30, 2016

12๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


what a white person says to his friends but never to a black guys face

what you are called if your black from your black friends- and returning with "WAZUP" but would beat the shit out of any crackah-ass even whispering it

what a white person calls another white person because they think its cool to act like your from the ghetto

god..i hate niggers, oh shit theres a nigg- hey wats up Monique


hey nigger *giggle* whats up- fo shizzle nizzle.

by s0merand0meguy January 24, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž