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Johnny One-Note

A one-hitter who repeats the same tired mantra over and over. It's used to described some shrill, tired ideologue or academic that pompously echoes some quaint notion or idea endlessly, and expects everyone to see his supposed wisdom and bow in concurrence.

Bruce is Johnny One-Note. He thinks the solution to the nation's debt crisis is the government continually spending more and more. Following his counsel will only worsen the predicament.

by RyanMS April 13, 2011

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One Note Song

Having a song that consists of one note on the guitar. Just don't try to take the credit for inventing it. Some may say its not a song, and you should fire those damned nay-sayers from your band.

Don't you fucking steal my one note song, you flying fuck.

by ssa fo tola teg i (backwards) September 27, 2003

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pinchin a high note

the act of holding in piss, while at the same time forcing air out of your anus, the resulting note is extremely high, due to the pressure involved.

made funnier by squinting eyes and holding breath

Farter: *squinting with breath held lets out a slow high pitched fart*


by funzoooo April 26, 2005

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sticky-note bitch

A very anal girl that only expresses her feelings through messages left on sticky notes. The girl is usually a roommate or family member that you live with.

I left a small mess in the microwave after warming up my sandwich in the microwave. When I woke up in the morning my roommate left a sticky-note telling me to clean up the mess in the microwave from the night before. It was the sixth sticky-note that week...she is such a sticky-note bitch....

sticky-note bitch anal communication room-mate college

by the pissed off roommate October 16, 2010

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Foreign note taker

A foreign guy that barely speaks English, so he writes down everything he's told.

Dude 1: "So here is how you setup the terminal..."
Foreign dude: "Ok let me write"
Dude 1: "Dude it was simple, you gotta write that shit down?"
Foreign dude: "Yes, talk slow please"
Dude 1: "Damnit, I'm stuck with a foreign note taker!"
Foreign dude: "How you spell that?"

by Da Vin Chee January 20, 2010

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suicide note

A person (male or female) that is overwelhmingly depressing and sad to talk to, almost to the point that you wish that person would kill themself just so you dont have to engage in another conversation with them in this lifetime!

At the party last wednesday I tried hooking up with this chick but after she got 9 beers in her she started sobbing like a 2 year-old about how her family was just hacked to pieces by a serial killer. She was a total suicide note!

Im really into Tracy but with all her problems in life that girl reads like a suicide note!

by ricketycrkt December 20, 2011

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Urban Love Note

Someone who tries to get their own personal love note as a definition on Urban Dictionary.

"Dude I LOVE Tracy, and I proved it by making a urban love note."

"Awesome! Did you show it to her!"

"No it didn't make it past the editors lawls."

by Ogen April 25, 2009