A person whose balding are bald who has hair in the front and hair in the back of their scalp but in the middle is completely bald which makes their hairline looks similar to a bird's nest
Bald-no hair on the head
Bird Nests Bald-George Kramer from Seinfeld
Crude way to refer to someone’s buttcrack; particularly during the act of spooning.
The plummer’s pickle nest was on display all day while they fixed the sink.
When there is a pile/group/nest of people or insects that are gross or unsettling and something to stay away from
Is that a turd gobbers nest on the siding of that house?
Yea she’s weird, she’s a part of them turd gobber nest kids down the road
A sexual position (usually with 3 people, one preferably with long hair) where one person puts there hair around a females genitals, then a male penetrates the females genitalia with his penis until the nest is dyed white with a mixture of the 3 peoples sperm.
“What’s up man, you look like you haven’t slept!”
“Aw man you should’ve seen it, I performed the Polish Birds Nest with Sally and Greg.”
“Isn’t Sallly your sister?”
Laying ones testicles on top of another’s Jew-fro resembling a couple of robins eggs in a nest.
Hey Blake! I like your Jewish hairstyle. Mind if I give you thee ol Bird Nesting?
Someone whom you sleep with. Often used in a comical light-hearted way.
Person 1: "Is Person 3 your new nesting buddy?"
Person 2: "What, no! FUCK OFF CUNT!"