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What white people and their simps and imps use to protect covert narcissm and sociopathy so they can keep performing emotional and physical incest

Donald Trump and Pence like to use their privilege on children thru hook ups like Jeffery Epstein

by Angy Kitty is angy March 22, 2022


Seeing how over half of your gross wage goes away in taxes to pay for someone else’s “free” education, healthcare and welfare whilst not enjoying any of those “freebies” yourself.

Breanna (formerly Tim): Oh my gosh! The free healthcare system has been so supportive with my gender reassignment: 2 years’ worth of HRT and psychological consultation, top and bottom surgery and 2 more years of follow up consultation…all for freeee
Joe: *rolls eyes* I was at work while you were doing all of that, eventually got a rotten tooth and had to pay 5k for the implant…I’m so privileged.

Frank: I had to take a payday loan at a 300% APR when my car broke down and needed to fix it to keep going to work while not getting evicted, I’m sooo privileged too.

by darealprivileged October 13, 2024


A group of Karens

Five minutes before closing time, a large privilege came in and ordered 17 plates of boneless wings and had the nerve to tell me they were all under-cooked.

by Wesley Ripe April 26, 2020


A group of Karens

Karen by herself is bad enough, but imagine having to deal with a privilege of 4 Karens.

by Mr BadWrench April 30, 2020


something a black nigger don't got white privilege

hey look that nigger don't got privilege

by mactrucdelux November 29, 2021


A group of Karens.

There's a privilege at customer service demanding to speak to the manager.

by 3d0g May 26, 2020


The inherent value someone puts onto you based on superficial features. Often based on race, sex, sexuality, identity, religion, class, and physical ability.

Often times privilege is hard to see when looking at the privileged person. Its only obvious when comparing two people who are very similar other then the superficial features that grant you privilege.

Its worth noting that aspects that often influence privilege can affect things such as getting a job and not be an example of privilege, but rather qualification -ex: physical ability in a job requiring large amounts of movement

Class and privilege are not the same thing. Both can effect each other, with privilege or lack there of affecting your ability to make money, and your class influencing how people see you, but they are not the same.

A person will never be less then their perceived inherent value (privilege), meaning someone without that privilege is seen as inherently lesser.

Ex: "Tod would never do that, he's a christian!"

by xXXmillennialcoolXXx January 12, 2024