What 2038 people did after hearing that Trump won the 2024 election
Me: Those fuckers just don't know how to lose. rage quit like bitches.
In Clash Royale when you get 1 crowned in the first 30 second of the game, you know you cannot win, and you click the home button.
me: Fuck, I already lost a tower
*Opponent has left the match*
randon: Wow, I made him rage quit. Lets go for the 3 crown!
when you quit a game because you are mad at it
my friend rage quit last night
where you stress in a game and literally slam things jus because of a fricken game...
God, hes playing that block game again. He rage quit.
A word used by a fat guy to reply to anything said to him
Corbin “ Hey wasup”
Austin Brown “quit bitchin”