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rage quit

What 2038 people did after hearing that Trump won the 2024 election

Me: Those fuckers just don't know how to lose. rage quit like bitches.

by ~helpmeplease~ November 10, 2024

Rage quit

What you do when you lose fortnite

he lost so he rage quit

by yeetmeworld May 19, 2023

Rage Quit

In Clash Royale when you get 1 crowned in the first 30 second of the game, you know you cannot win, and you click the home button.

me: Fuck, I already lost a tower

*Opponent has left the match*

randon: Wow, I made him rage quit. Lets go for the 3 crown!

by lijordon March 29, 2017

rage quit

when you quit a game because you are mad at it

my friend rage quit last night

by how to yeet cheese at 3am February 24, 2023

Rage Quit

To get pissed off

Shahbaz made Jazmine rage quit.

by shahbazisactuallygay May 16, 2022

rage quit

where you stress in a game and literally slam things jus because of a fricken game...

God, hes playing that block game again. He rage quit.

by fact: you are reading this September 8, 2022

Quit bitchin

A word used by a fat guy to reply to anything said to him

Corbin “ Hey wasup
Austin Brown “quit bitchin

by Butterry16 November 13, 2023