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Tits On Rails

When your mini quadcoper is flying well (or locked in), and the pilot is having a very good flight performing every trick spot on. This however is not the same thing as “ripping balls”. Ripping balls tends to be a much angrier and separating flight.

Yo man, that flight was tits on rails!

by Beaupre FPV March 25, 2019


Doing a big fat rail of coke off of a dick.

I was down at the gay bar and I saw a guy doing a D-Rail in the bathroom.

by Honky Tonk Mang January 2, 2023


the act of, disappointedly and/or unfulfillingly, losing one’s virginity, by way of dick.

Girl Bestie: My first time was a D-Rail😭😭
The guy was to small💀
Guay Bestie: text lowercase d then 🤭🤭🤭

Person: Yeah, I lost my virginity.. and he was big, but.. I got D-Rail’d! He did NOT know how to utilize his package, and he STILL gave me a UTI…

Another Person: I had a total D-Railing in his parents’ bed. It was messy, is all I can say.

by yaaaaaa yuh September 14, 2023


The act of masturbating whilst aboard a railroad train.

"It will be a five hour train ride. I am hiding in the lavatory rail-bating."

by neuropathica October 16, 2016

High-Speed Rail

The topic of my debate. Kinda fast. Kinda slim. Kinda bad. Kinda good.

Kinda.....he looked kinda hot, standing there against the rails, sleek and humming with that positive electricity, thrumming like a heartbeat. I was flying fast above, I knew we’d meet again....but when? So far above him, he so far below me....but we were both made of that same steel. A plane and a train....two different worlds....so far apart....but I knew fate had us together from when I first saw him.

-to be continued.....

“What the hell is a high-speed rail?”

“A train that go whee.”
“Really? You have any fanfiction about it?”

“So there’s this thing called Urban Dictionary-

by High speed > Low Speed October 22, 2022

High Speed Rail

When an Asian couple are having sex so fast, that they are a blur to observers. There's lots of heat involved, so lubrication is critical. Note: they may be louder than typical.

Woah buddy, that Asian couple at the orgy was really getting the high speed rail going. I hope they used a lot of lube.

Yeah but the sound... wow!

by msvxt December 4, 2023

Natural Creampie and Rail your Girlfriend Day

National Creampie and Rail your Girlfriend Day where you destroy her and nut in her

Natural Creampie and Rail your Girlfriend Day: fuck her so hard and end it by creampieing her
Omg did you know what special event it is today?
its june 4th there are no special events
No its National Creampie and Rail your Girlfriend Day where you rail her and nut in her to fulfill the days objective

by TheHimOfHims June 4, 2024