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Slang term for syringes.

Hey I need one of them rigs to inject my insulin.

by Eisawesome September 11, 2016


A massive person who's got heaps of muscles.

Example: Paddy O'Toole

He is an absolute rig.

by thythiccestboy October 26, 2017


Is a person who will get you rigged

Oh here comes the rig

by RIGGYRIG November 22, 2021


“Rig” is a slur often used against non-binary people. It is the equivalent to calling a gay man the f-slur or calling a black person the n word. It is degrading.

Look at that rig over there omg

by No names allowed December 15, 2020


Commonly used in Maine, to describe any object.

I could think of was the massive amount of fumes and chemicals coming out of that rig! It probably melted the pipes !

by DukeNukem47 August 27, 2021


What addicts call needles.

What do you mean, you forgot rigs? I gave you one job to do. What's wrong with you, man?

by tashasmash January 27, 2019


A boats sail in third person.

Wow look at them rigs!

by icannotgetaname July 14, 2021