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Laika Roulette

A rock and roll band based in Hampton Roads (Southeastern) Virginia. Formed in 1996, they continue to write and perform an eclectic assortment of original music.

Laika Roulette is playing at The Boot tonight.

by Taxciter January 28, 2009

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Shower Roulette

Game: When two people are webcam chatting and go take showers at the same time (aiming their webcams at the shower curtain/door) and see who can finish first. The winner watches the losers webcam until he/she gets out of the shower (naked of course). Should be played with the preferred sexual gender.

Webcam 1: "I'm so bored."
Webcam 2: "Want to play shower roulette?"
Webcam 1: "Sure that game is awesome!"

by Piccoyoshi September 15, 2011

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gas roulette

When a car is used by more than one member of the family and the person who used the car and drained the gas tank last must pay to refill the tank.

"I don't have enough money to see a movie tonight, I lost a game of gas roulette with my mom."

by Tommy94612 December 26, 2013

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Chicagoan roulette

To do a round of shots of any juice or liquor with a similar color to Jeppson’s Malort on a group of two or more while sneaking one shot of the latter in to the mix.

You do not want to lose when playing Chicagoan roulette. It feels like someone kicked your mouth in the balls!

by Professor grandmaster G October 24, 2017

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Pandora Roulette

My brother Ted and I have invented an excellent new drinking game. We are calling it "Pandora Roulette" the rules are fairly simple.

Here is the Pandora Roulette basics.... 3 to 10 people in a circle, one person picks the first artist. Let's say I pick "Bob Marley" then as the first Bob Marley song plays

you go around the room counterclockwise and everyone has 15 seconds to pick the next artist that will come up or they can pass. Usually everyone gets 3 or 4 guesses in before the song ends and the next artist is revealed. If say a "Peter Tosh" song comes up next and you had guessed Peter Tosh then you get to pick the next artist and everyone else drinks.
We have been adding new rules everyday. If you try it and think of new
rules or additional twists let me know. It does not have to be about drinking either but it does seem to make people sing more.

by Shantydan August 7, 2013

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Slovenian Roulette

Both men and women (of both hetero and homo orientation) participate the "slovenian roulette", and they hide their faces with masks. One of the orgy attendees is infected with HIV, but no one knows who that person is.

Infected guest has to pay equal attention to everyone, and after the "party" every attendee goes to test himself/herself. Creator of the game explains that the point of the game is adrenaline, much like Russian roulette, with exception that it doesn't kill instantly, unlike its Russian counterpart.

Niko Bellic walks into the party expecting something completely different than what he sees.... Men and women in an orgy with masks on, they explain to him that they are playing something called "Slovenian Roulette". Afterwards, everyone leaves and begins to make appointments with their doctors... Niko has a bad feeling.

by Thaffy April 24, 2010

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Pink Roulette

To be blindfolded and to go down on a chick not knowing if you are eating her ass out or her pussy out.

Hey baby wanna play Pink Roulette?

by RichDogg44 May 7, 2010

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