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A slang used for saying the kid is sick example if a teenage basket ball player dose a dunk U say The KiD is sick.

Second definittion is a name of a Teen urban Uk Rapper that is ill at Emceeing and has had many underground hits.

If a kidd dose a back flip u say thats Ill or sick

so KiDD-SicK kinda shortens it

by pionpereo March 22, 2007

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sick beard

The beard that develops during one's stint with sickness, resulting in a lack of desire, need, or ability to trim or shave facial hair. The result is typically a large, unruly, homeless lumberjack looking beard.

Man, Jake's sick beard is pretty rough. Like, rougher than normal. It looks like a squirrel's nest.

by sadcatt January 6, 2011

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rock sick

When a guys dick is as hard as a rock and throat fucks someone until they puke.

After a night of drinking Joe throat fucked Mike until he puked and Joe yelled rock sick, bitch!

by Tbag23 April 3, 2014

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Way better than sick, cool, nice etc, when something is too damn awesome or gnarly, calling it super sick is the word for it.

"Robin came outside with some red velvet Zanotti Giuseppe sneakers, them hoes were super sick."

by Fall Gang January 8, 2016

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sick day

Often a baldfaced lie used to sueak out a couple of extra paid days off; employed to extend a long weekend, travel to an out-of-state Wednesday night rock concert, stay in bed all day with a new romantic interest, etc. Most people would rather come to work sick and risk infecting their colleagues than give up an illicitly obtained and healthy day of fun.

"Where is catherine today?"
"I saw her making out with some douche bag Lastnight maybe she took a sick day to get laid"

by Waggon April 9, 2007

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Sick alf

To have a sick alf is to have a messed up hair style.

The use of the word "sick" is used sarcastically to mean shocking or shit.
The word sick is used normally by people to imply Insane, Cool, or Crazy

See sick

The alf part of the comment is unknown of its meaning.
It probably originates from Alf the hairy puppet.

See alf

James : "Nick, you have a sick alf."

Nick : "I know, I need to straighten it"

by Oli***Himself May 13, 2006

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Love sick

1. When your so in love... not even living in the persons pocket is enough.. not even a half-an-hour pash cures the hunger...

2. When your away... and you never get around to ringing them.. and they also... forget about you... but you both know your in love... and its all so fucked up... but you still cant end it.. and if you do... you cant get them out of your head..

3. When you have your own special style of kissing, and touching.. and everything you do.. and you can never imagine yourself being with anyone else.. and cant stand the thought of them being with someone else

Holly And Joel

Joel... i Love You...

by hOLLiPoP March 16, 2005

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