když je domluvený meet a někdo i skrz své sliby upadne do kómatu a nezvedne 35 hovorů
"Hej Sofka zas usnula a nepřijde."
"No jo no, skill issue prostě."
When someone’s credit check comes back flat denied can be shortened to Skill Issue
Oh no seems like your credit came back as a skill issues
When you absolutely suck at a game you have no skill or skill issue. You can also have skill issue in sports.
Bro has massive skill issue, he can’t even make a shot.
it’s when you reply to something bad that happened
mason: dude my mom just got cancer
mark: nah bro skill issue 💀💀💀
When someone lacks skill or isn’t concentrating. A term usually used in racing games for someone who had a massive crash.
Skill issue can be a term used for toxicity especially in the gaming community
Nick wasn’t paying attention and had a skill issue
another way to say WHAT!!! in a u gotta be joking kind of tone
"Dude i just got 10g's"..."GUT THE SKILL!!!!"