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Skill issue

když je domluvený meet a někdo i skrz své sliby upadne do kómatu a nezvedne 35 hovorů

"Hej Sofka zas usnula a nepřijde."

"No jo no, skill issue prostě."

by rezka January 18, 2024

Skill Issues

When someone’s credit check comes back flat denied can be shortened to Skill Issue

Oh no seems like your credit came back as a skill issues

by Dank Me Me October 5, 2023

Skill Issue

When you absolutely suck at a game you have no skill or skill issue. You can also have skill issue in sports.

Bro has massive skill issue, he can’t even make a shot.

by Chaos_Luke March 1, 2024

skill issue

it’s when you reply to something bad that happened

mason: dude my mom just got cancer
mark: nah bro skill issue 💀💀💀

by marklikessharks December 15, 2023

Skill issue

Adrian felix bruland

Skill issue on top

by Camilla. September 12, 2023

Skill issue

When someone lacks skill or isn’t concentrating. A term usually used in racing games for someone who had a massive crash.

Skill issue can be a term used for toxicity especially in the gaming community

Nick wasn’t paying attention and had a skill issue

by Jedvr August 25, 2023

gut the skill

another way to say WHAT!!! in a u gotta be joking kind of tone

"Dude i just got 10g's"..."GUT THE SKILL!!!!"

by Trevor June 18, 2006