The cowardly act of physically assaulting someone and then reporting the victim to the police whenever he/she retaliates in defense.
Police Officer:We just got a report that you just assaulted someone. Please explain to me the reason for your action.
Suspect: I was not the one that assaulted him, I was just walking around minding my own business. I was the victim of a hit n snitch.
Anyone that you may deem lower than oneself...
You just need to fuck off you snitch digga.
“Shook Snitch” is used to call somebody beautiful or sexy.
“Damn, that chick is such “Shook Snitch”
When you snitch on yourself sometimes it's also called ripping the Truth off someone
He got her to reverse snitch on how she got him fired
Your snitch bone is the bone in your body that compels someone to rat another out.
I really didn't mean to tell you but my snitch bone started doing its thing and I had to do it.
A person who is an old fashioned, basic ass tattletale.
That Basic Snitch, Ellen just told the boss that I took my sick days to fuck my side boy.
snitching on yourself. not clever. not gonna lie.
well, I was only inert snitching...